
(Vice Principal Office, East Wing)

Behind a mahogany desk sat a middle age man dressed meticulously in white shirt, brown vest, and a black coat with a gold pocket watch chain dangling from his vest button. His chestnut hair was long enough to be pulled into a small ponytail.

Though he was quite a handsome man for his age, right now, there was only a deep frown etched on his forehead and black circles under his eyes. His complexion was ugly.

He took off his eyeglasses and pinched the spot between his eyebrows, while his other hand held the telephone.

Dilwyn Nox was already sore from answering distress calls from the students' parents since the break of dawn. In fact, he himself had yet to sleep ever since last night incident.

"Yes, absolutely. There's nothing to worry about, Mrs. Crowe. Everything is under control." Vice Principal Nox rubbed his aching temple. "We deeply apologize for the inconvenience."

Kalliope who was sitting comfortably on the chair across him tutted derisively. She rolled her eyes before looking away from the nauseating sight of Dilwyn Nox coaxing those parents. Such pretense!

The explosion she had caused had been massive and it did not only alert the whole academy but also the whole kingdom. Even the king was brought to attention. Yet, he said everything was under control.

Kalliope leaned back on the chair, crossed her legs, and folded her hands together. Though, it was true that Principal Helliot had succeeded in conjuring a very powerful protective spell which had saved the students. Hence, there were only reports of minor injuries.

"Thank you, Mrs. Crowe. We assure you that all is well," Dilwyn kept nodding and his face was serious as though changing his expression could convince the other party of his words.

One moment later, his other hand had moved to his waist and his eyes stared intently at Kalliope's smiling face. "Do not worry, Mr and Mrs. Crowe, we will definitely give everyone an explanation for this."

He stressed his sentence quite gravely with a belly full of anger. Unfortunately, his threatening gaze failed to scare Kalliope as she returned him with a flirtatiously sly wink. Dilwyn's eyes darkened as the hatred in his heart grew intense.

Not long after that, he finally hung up the phone. Vice Principal Nox sucked in a deep breath, trying to reel in his raging fury before he began to talk to Kalliope.

Kalliope only felt like laughing when she witnessed his demeanour. She couldn't help but teased him, "I didn't know my beauty has rendered you so nervous to the point of not being able to speak."

Vice Principal Nox was instantly choked by her words. This kid still had the nerve to jest. Her joke wasn't even funny. It could create a misunderstanding!

Who in the world would be enamoured by this little devil anyway!?

Kalliope might look harmless like a cute rabbit with her fluffy light pink hair and soft features with a pair of cat eyes, slightly chubby cheeks, and cute pouty lips. But, made no mistake, this adorable girl who could turn men into protective mode and lovestruck fools had the heart as black as a coal and soul as dark as the devil.

One moment she could turn everyone, "Aww…." and in a split second, it could be a big "Ouch!"

Her mischief knew no bound while to their misfortune, she was blessed with strong magical talent and ample mana.

She was the third person who was born with the affinity towards not one but four elements and who could whip basic magic without incantation, as easily as waving a finger. Her natural born talent was a treasure in Zarronium.

Hence, at a tender age of four, Kalliope was brought to Slidora Academy. It was due to her little tantrum that had blown up the duke's manor into smithereens, just because her nanny had stopped her from eating more sweets.

Who the hell held such a monstrous power at such a young age? Besides, how big was the duke's manor?! One could not even measure it with their naked eyes. Yet Kalliope flattened more than half of the building.

That incident had alerted the royalty and the academy as well as other factions. They were eager to recruit her. Eventually her guardian, the king, trusted Principal Helliot more since the two of them were old friends. So, Kalliope was sent to be Principal Helliot direct apprentice.


Vice Principal Nox felt his blood boiling and his eyes shooting daggers at Kalliope's playful smile. She truly gave zero fuck towards the mess that she had created.

As if Dilwyn was breathing fire, he barked, "YOU STILL HAVE THE CHEEK TO JOKE AROUND?? DO. YOU. HAVE. ANY. IDEA. WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?!"

Despite his terrifying wrath that reached the hallway outside, Kalliope remained unperturbed. She stared at him calmly without a hint of fear.

"Absolutely," she smiled, interlacing her fingers. She raised an eyebrow as she spoke, "Why would I not be? I was completely sober last night."

"I did it with complete consciousness."

Dilwyn felt a headache coming. How could he forget how obnoxious this girl is!

He pinched his glabella and closed his eyes as he could not bear to continue this conversation with Kalliope any longer. He was afraid that his patience would run out and he would end up beating the witch out of her.

"And this is what you chose to do…? Hurting innocent people?! Your classmates?!" Dilwyn sounded exhausted and his tone was helpless as if every ounce of energy within him had been used up.

He couldn't count how many times they had been in this kind of situation. Dilwyn couldn't help but praise Principal Helliot for her patience and perseverance in taking care of Kalliope.

One time, he had asked Principal Helliot and she had answered in a caring tone, "She's still young. Who didn't do stupid things when they were young? Besides, it's understandable why Kalliope acts this way. She's just lonely."

Honestly, Dilwyn did pity her for being an orphan. The duke and duchess had sacrificed themselves in order for them to successfully escape to Zarronium. It was a noble act that had remained in everyone's heart. The couple would forever be their heroes.

Yet, Kalliope turned out this way. Dilwyn couldn't help but be angry with her.

Kalliope lifted a brow at Dilwyn's disdainful gaze. She didn't have to use her brain to guess what this idiot was thinking. She scoffed inwardly. How many times had she received those gazes?

Not just from Dilwyn, but also her classmates. Even a maid would look at her with either pity or contempt. How were they worthy to look down on her?

As if she was a pitiful child, as if she needed their compassion, as if she was nothing but a troublesome kid. All they had ever seen from her was her parents.

Not as an individual, not as Kalliope, but the daughter of the heroic duke and duchess. She, herself, did not matter.

The corner of Kalliope's lips curled up. Since they viewed her that way, she might as well fulfill their fantasy. She couldn't betray their expectation, could she? If they thought she was a disappointment, nothing but a problematic child, then she would act the part to amuse them.

Kalliope lowered her eyes to the floor. 'Why bother to be good when every effort I've put will only end up in the shadow?'

"Well, Vice Principal Nox…" She mentioned his name in repulsion. "Every birthday needs a celebration, no? I was just trying to entertain everyone with a blast of fireworks."

Vice Principal Nox, "...."

"In the end, did they not cheer in excitement?" ...Yes, everyone could definitely hear the students' terrified cries last night.

She leaned closer and continued softly, "Last night was the loudest festival I have ever been, don't you agree?"

She smirked. "I have to say, as the host, I am especially pleased and satisfied with this year's birthday celebration. I bet it's unforgettable for everyone who attended as well."

Vice Principal Nox was huffing and puffing as he listened to Kalliope. He couldn't believe how evil this girl was. What she had done could have killed her fellow classmates and even the principal who cherished her like her own daughter.

In fact, Principal Helliot was now lying unconscious due to extreme mana depletion! Her condition wasn't promising at all! Yet here she was, with her filthy mouth and diabolical heart.

"Alright!" Dilwyn let out an angry laugh. While Principal Helliot was out, he would take this chance to teach Kalliope a lesson. Let her know that this time, no one would protect her!

"Since you don't seem to reflect or believe there is anything wrong with your action, I will, therefore, have nothing to say to those parents in an attempt to defend you."

Vice Principal Nox smiled sweetly as he said, "You can directly deal with them while I'll be on the sideline after narrating what 'exactly' happened last night. Whatever punishment they give you, you shall bear it."

"I…" he condemned her with his words. "…will not say a word of complaint."

For a quick second, Kalliope's eyes flickered. Her rose-colored iris turned iridescent as she stared at Vice Principal Nox. Although her temper was gurgling akin to a volcanic lava inside, she remained apathetic on the surface. She would never reveal her emotion to anyone.

Seeing how calm Kalliope was, only irritated Dilwyn further. After that, he called a disciplinary teacher and said to Kalliope, "While we discuss your case, you may wait in the 'detention room' …. underground."

When Dilwyn said underground, Kalliope chuckled inwardly. Underground…

He meant to imprison her!