Playing Against The Odds

Argan looked upon her careless expression that didn't seem to think much of the current situation. Kalliope was literally just standing there with one hand leaning against the desk and her eyes were staring emptily at the sleeping Roy. It was easy to see how emotionless they were. Not a hint of warmth could be detected from that pair of rose-colored orbs besides a deathly cold intent.

It left a rather tingling sensation in his heart, though Argan wasn't sure what it meant. In the end, he just brushed it off as something insignificant. Still, Argan couldn't agree to her reckless action that might possibly lead them to their demise.

"We're not killing him," Argan spoke with a tone that accept no rejection. His voice was cold and stringent. Kalliope even caught a hint of authority through his words and her brows reflexively pulled together into a frown.