A Step Away

In the middle of the process, an upholstered chair befitting a king appeared for Kalliope to take a seat. She sat leisurely while playing with a ball of mana sphere in one hand as the miniscule ball rolled over her palm and twisted around her fingers in a beautiful convergence of dark crimson light. Like two forces of evilness embracing each other.

Though the small ball of mana didn't pack such an explosive power, it was still condensed out of pure mana and not just any random elements but the elements of a pureblood. Hence, when the ball rolled off to the tip of her fingers and Kalliope used her thumb to flick it towards Roy, the old man immediately broke into another round of miserable screaming.

However, this time, his voice had gone hoarse after the tumultuous series of crying that had visibly cracked his throat dry. In fact, it had bled for a while now and the blood had continued to gush out of his mouth the moment he screamed again.