
After finishing thinking, Sophia immediately walked to Zian's room.

Slowly, Sophia opened the door. After that, she walked very slowly towards the bed.

Sophia stood beside the bed while watching Michael's face who was fast asleep beside Zian.

Michael fell asleep like a baby, innocent, soft without sin, instantly Sophia shed even more tears because she remembered the good times she had with Michael.

"Michael, are you really in pain? I can't imagine that I will lose 3 people I love at the same time. Thank you for being alive, thank you for coming back, I love you so much! But, I can't say it until I'm absolutely sure with the truth I just heard." Inner Sophia.

After thinking, Sophia wiped her tears and crawled up onto the bed. After that, she lay down beside Zian. 

Slowly, Sophia closed her eyes and fell asleep soundly on Zian's left and Michael on Zian's right.

The next morning.