Bring Her Home!

"Then I'll make drinks for you first. Meanwhile you guys talk to Michael!". Said Sophia who wanted to serve her guests without the help of a maid.

They all nodded after that, Sophia rushed out of the living room.

"Michael, how are you?" Amel asked awkwardly.

"I'm good! How about you and your husband?". Michael tried to be polite by asking back, when in fact he was still nervous about meeting Amel.

"We are all good". Amelia replied.

After the short chat, Amel chose to talk to Zee's mother because she didn't know what to talk about with Michael.

Not long after, Sophia returned with her maid.

"Please drink!". Sophia said after putting down the drink. 

"Thank you!".

After that, Sophia sat beside Amel. "If I may know, you guys here must have a need. What's wrong?".

Amelia took a deep breath.