Chapter 21 Mock Battle


I looked at Sesshomaru as Maddy and Yuki were talking to Tyson and Dia.

"So what is the plan?" He asked me

"We are going to hold off on planning as I know Maddy can hear us." I smiled at him. "We will go for a walk to make a plan." I linked my arm with his. "We will be back in a few!" I tell them as I drag Sesshomaru into the woods.

"That was very smart as Tyson and Dia would have been able to hear as well." He says with a chuckle.

"We should be good here." I said leaning back on a true. "I know you could probably just take them out on your own but I know Maddy she more than likes to use illusions and trickery to fight. Yuki will more do one of two things attack head-on or she will be the support depends on how they want to do there play."

"Dia is more of the head-first attacker so it would not surprise me if they went with that front." Sesshomaru sighed. "Then Tyson is going to dislike the idea of using trickery as he is very noble." I smiled at him.

"Then they may be the weak team with their style of battle clash." I said. then I snort. "Or they will be the team to beat." I sighed. "But how are we doing this?"

"I agree with you that Maddy and Tyson will be the wild card team. But Yuki is a wild card." He said. "But if you keep holy power in your fists then Maddy, Tyson, and Dia will be taken down easily."

"I have a feeling Yuki will be coming after me it would make sense as she is the only other human."

"That would be the smart thing to do."

"And then the other three would have been attacking you." I sighed. "Alright so let's go you watch my back I will watch yours." Now Sesshomaru wrapped an arm around me.

"I have an idea we will attack from above." He said as he took us up on his cloud.

"Smart." I said with a smile.

"I will attack from above with acid."

"Oh, that is a good idea." I smile at him. I lean against him as we fly the short distance and then he starts poisoning the cloud.

"Fuck Sesshmaru that's cheating." I hear someone yell from below. I snort as he started to lower the cloud.

"Alls fair in love and war!" I said as I jump off the cloud and lands on Dia's shoulders knocking him to the ground and flip backward as I duck Yuki's whip.

"Kags I am going to beat you!" She screamed as I land on my feet and punch her square in the nose.

"You need to get your head in the game first!" I tell her going to hit her again when her whip slaps into my fist as I grin and kick her only to have my leg grabbed.

"I think not!" Dia said as he throws me.

"WHOA!" I scream as I get caught by Sesshomaru. I blink look up at him. "Well, I was not expecting that." I grumble.

"I think they thought ahead for once." Sesshomaru said.

"HEY!" Yuki yelled.