Chapter 25 Well this is a surprise

Kagome POV

I walked into the woods something pulling tugging at my power. "Hello, granddaughter." I spun around and almost hit the ghost of Midoriko.

"Lady Midoriko!" I said stepping back from her and giving her a bow.

"Now granddaughter that is not needed." She says.

"That is the second time you have called me that." I said and tilted my head "Why?"

"Because you and your family are my descendants." She says smiling at me. "Kanna is coming my dear granddaughter I need you to take my child in please."

"Your child?" I asked.

"Kanna was made from my part of the gem so that makes her my child." She explained. I blinked at her.

"Are you telling me that we have been fighting your's and Naraku's kids?" I asked her looking a little pale.

"No most are made from the demons of the jewel but Kanna is mine that's why she has soul powers. I freed her soul from that vile beast so she could be free." She says. "He almost has the whole jewel dear granddaughter." She says as I wince.

"I am sorry." I said.

She smiles sadly at me. "You did what had to be done. Please understand Kanna was not able to make her own chooses as he held her very will, much like he holds Kagura's heart. I was able to liberal her will from him." She tells me. "And a word for the wise my dear. Only in balance can the jewel be destroyed." She tells me. "It's time to wake up now." She says as the world goes black and I sit upright.

"Are you kidding me!" I squeaked as I sit up.

"Morning Kags what woke you up?" Maddy asked as she looks at me.

"Oh just a spirit visiting me in my dreams." I groaned.

"Oh who?" She asked joining me.

"Midoriko." I said looking up at the sunrise. "She said Kanna was coming and that she was her child.

"Kanna?" She asked.

"The void child Naraku made." I sighed. I watched as her eyes lit up. "What do you know Maddy?"

"I can't tell you that Kagome but do you think we can trust her?" Maddy asked me.

"Midoriko was said to be noble person so I think we can but I want to talk to the others as this affects them as well." I said standing up. "You get Yuki up I will get the guys."

Maddy groans as her shoulders slump as she walks over to Yuki. "Sesshomaru." I said as I walked over to him not wanting to startle him.

""Yes Kagome?" He asked as he opened his eyes.

"We need to talk before the kids wake up." I tell him and he nods but his eyes show some confusion. I move to tyson. "Ty come on wake up." He groaned and looked at me.

"I am up." He said sitting up I looked over to where Maddy was waking Yuki and found Dia already awake.

"I am up!" Yuki snarled as she yanked on Maddy's hair.

"Good come to the fire and be quiet." Maddy said as we moved to the fire.

"Care to tell me why you woke us up?" Yuki asked softly.

"Because we need to talk without the kids." I said giving her a look.

"Okay what is it?" Ty asked.

"Midoriko visited me." I said rubbing my neck.

"Oh and what did she want?" Sesshomaru asked.

"She told me that Kanna was coming to join us as she was able to free her from Naraku's control. Apparently he took Kanna's will like he took Kagura's heart." I said.

"Yake you mean she hasn't been able to choose for herself?" Yuki gaged.

"Correct Yuki Kanna did not get a choice in that matter." I sighed.

"Well, what are we going to do?" Dia asked.

"My gut tells me that we should trust her I mean we may be able to get more know-how on Naraku." I said. "Oh and apparently I am her descendent."

"Madoriko is the one that made the jewel right?" Yuki asked.

"Yes." I said looking at her. "Why?" I asked. She sat back.

"Your family has been protecting her jewel for 500 years." Yuki said. "I think that its save to say that we can trust her because the jewel is not from this time but from our time."

"I have the jewel because I am Kikyo's reincarnation." I said flatly.

"I don't see it." Yuki said. "I mean sure you look a bit alike but that it, you act nothing alike. I think what happened is when the bitch burned the jewel with her part of her soul was stuck to it and moved when the jewel moved."

"What do you mean moved?" I asked.

"I think that your family has been carrying the jewel remember when your grandma passed she was cremated per the family tradition." Yuki said. " Then you were born two months later."

I leaned back that was true. "Its possible we have no way of knowing." I sighed. "Back to Kanna." I said.

"I say we let her join you're her family after all." Yuki said. "If she's Madoriko's daughter and your Madoriko's descendent then your family. " I nod and look at them.

"She free of the thing she had no control over what she did in the past I say we let her join." Maddy shrugs.

"I will watch her." Sesshomaru said calmly.

"So she can join us. Now we have to explain it to the kids." I sighed as I fell over backward-looking at the sky. "What do you think Inuyasha will say when we run across him?" I asked sitting up.

"No clue don't care." Yuki said.

"And why do you?" Maddy asked me.

"As much as I hate to say this we may need his help to defeat Naraku." I groaned. "His sword alone is powerful." I sighed.

"If he can still use it." Maddy said with a sing-song voice.

"You know something so tell us." Yuki said.

"Most of what I know is tales Yuki I am a kid at this point in time I can say that I know from studying some older text that the Tessaiga will not work if the demon or half-demon wielding it has no one to protect." Maddy said looking at her nails.