"Isn't This Peachy?"

Weeks had passed after his Transmigration. Illiad lived leisurely inside the Foster Mansion with his Uncle, Aunt, Nephew and Big Brother. Honestly, hearing the fact that both Foster siblings had lost their parents in a tragic accident and then adopted by their relative made him imagine some negative scenarios. Such as evil aunt, greedy relatives, uncaring guardians, etc. But it seems like he's just overthinking it because his Aunt and Uncle had been nothing but hospitable to him.

According to Illiad Foster's memories he and Ellias was officially adopted and take care of by the Fosters 5 years ago. When Illiad was still a bratty 12 year old and Ellias a traumatized 16 year old

It had taken time to warm up towards Uncle Mitras and Aunt Ahya but because the couple doesn't have a child of their own at that time they're willing to take care of them fully as if they're their own children.

When both boys had matured a little bit, Aunt Ahya told them that they would have a cute younger cousin to dote on soon which made them ecstatic.

Really, Illiad was grateful to whoever placed his soul here, in this body. For giving him a second chance at tasting that warmth of familial love. So his adjustment to this world is rather easy.

Now the real reason of Illiad Foster's death which allowed Illiad to posses this boy's body.

At one point when the butler was serving him, Illiad stopped the man. "Mr. Kyu, do you know what triggered my short term memory loss?"

At this unexpected question, Mr. Kyu—The capable butler— almost dropped the spoon he'd used to mix the herbal powder in Illiad's tea.

"Young Master Illiad, May i ask something?"

Illiad nodded, signaling Mr. Kyu to go ahead. "What do you mean by short term memory loss?"

His voice although it sounded calm and curious, Illiad could notice a slight waver in it and the way Mr. Kyu fidgeted with his cufflinks.

"Oh! you know, forgetting something trivial. Like forgetting certain events or something like i keep forgetting that i've talked about this to someone but i talked about it again to them. I think i forgot why ended up being on bed rest. Do you mind explaining to me?"

"Certainly," Mr. Kyu coughed as if to bring his lost composure back. "Though i will explain in the simplest way possible, Young Master. As for the details, you might want to ask Young Master Ellias or Master Mitras."

Illiad nodded solemnly. Really no matter how many times he tried to dig to find the reason why his original body's owner died, he always found nothing. Nada. It seems like something is blocking him from viewing it. This made him realize that the memories this body gave to him are full of holes.

"It was because you unfortunately drowned, Young Master. After that both Master Mitras and Young Master Ellias with our knights found you and immediately hired the most talented, the most brilliant healer mage to heal you."

Illiad nodded attentively. He can understand. But it's ironic how he died surrounded by fire meanwhile the Illiad of this world died surrounded by water.

"The whole Foster Mansion was in uproar back then. When you didn't open your eyes for a week i'd thought Young Master Ellias was going to rip apart this country for a second. Ah, but don't tell him that,"

"Ok i won't"

Seeing Illiad still interested in his story, Mr. Kyu sighed. "That is all."

"...That is all?"

"Yes. Now please excuse me, Young Master. As i have to prepare Lunch. We will see each other again soon." He bowed and turned around, carrying an empty tray. Definitely not giving Illiad anymore time to ask.

"He told me to ask Ellias or Uncle for more details huh?" Illiad shrugged. He guessed he'll try to bring it up around them, But he imagined his question to be redirected towards something else. "I'll try to not keep my expectation high."

Illiad clenched his fists with a newfound determination. Just then another thought occured to him that made him smile,

"Big Brother Ellias... I've never had one before so i wonder how it's like to have a big brother. Well even before becoming a villain he still has those seeds inside him all this time, eh?"

When Illiad was unconscious, Ellias was ready to tear the whole world apart to look for the culprit—whether there's one or not. Now imagine when Illiad died in the hands of a Magical Beast on Yuiha Academy school yard where talented magicians resides in. Where anybody can save him.

"Big brother is too precious really."

Call him a lunatic but having someone who cares for you like that even after your death brings a smile to Illiad's face. Heck, Illiad is a sucker for this kind of trope.

Illiad sighed and vowed to repay Ellias back. Despite it hasn't happened yet (and hopefully it doesn't happen) Illiad knew how far his big brother would go for his little brother.

A sense of tranquility and the sudden happiness bursting from his chest made Illiad chuckle.

"Well it seems that our feelings reverberated as one. Let's work hard, ne?"


It was 6 PM when he managed to finally get out of work. Ellias kept a small smile stuck on his face as he eagerly teleported home, not wasting any time to go home like any other fools out there who were going through portals.

Ellias' smile widened when he reached out to the door's handle and pulled it. He expected to be greeted by Mr. Kyu, Aunt Ahya or if Heaven permits, Illiad.

When he took a good look of the person in front of him, his heart broke in two. He could hear it crack. In a second his expression turned from happy to a cold one.

"What are you doing here, kid?"

In front of Ellias is a tall red haired boy dressed in Yuiha Academy male uniform, complete with the black gloves he wore that has the Academy's trademark logo of a fiery lion.

"Just visiting." replied Shu ruefully. He bowed towards Ellias in a show of deference. Once Ellias could see his face again, he laughed. "What happened? Let's go talk in the living room. Come, come."

Soon after both walked side by side with Shu showing an open interest in Foster Mansion. For a moment there was silence. Shu eyed the orange skies.

"How's your brother?"

Ellias had anticipated Shu to ask something, but not this. His purple eyes trailed over the red haired man's movements. Looking for something unusual.

"Interested in my brother now, are we? To answer your question, yes he's doing fine. Now answer mine, what are you doing here?"

Shu gave Ellias a tentative smile. He turned his eyes towards the hallway before him. He looked like he's weighing the pros and cons of his answer.

"and what if i am, Senior Ellias? What if i came here to get a glimpse of your 'Wonderful, Spectacular, Intelligent and Beautiful' little brother?"

"You're on thin ice, Zeppelin. I doubt you're here from halfway across the continent only to ask about my little brother, but i'll bite. I'll make sure your third leg is immobile."

Shu inched away from Ellias' intimidating gaze. "See? This is why you're not getting marriage proposals, you're this scary for God's sake."

"I just reject them."

"Oh, it seems we've arrived," Shu turned towards Ellias and grinned, "Let's go in then. We wouldn't want something to leak to the wrong person, or we'll be having trouble."

Shu proceeds to go in without waiting for Ellias. "Coming in like you owned the house. Never change, Shu." Ellias could only shake his head in exasperation. He then closed the white door behind him.

"Okay, i want to hear what kind of headache you brought me."


After they're done talking, Shu excused himself to the restroom. "It's easy, there's a 'Guest Bathroom' plaque on the door. You'll find it in no time."

Though that's what Ellias said. But Shu groaned when he feels like he's been to this hallway for the second time. "Seriously, where's the bathroom?" grumbled Shu.

He cursed the mansion again when he couldn't find it. "The Foster mansion is great and all but am in Maze R***er?" He ruffled his hair in frustration.

The novel said that the Foster Mansion had been used as Ellias' lair because it's a confusing place. Even the residents can get lost. But he didn't think it would be like a maze.

Shu sighed. He really should've taken up on Ellias' offer to guide him. Screw his pride at that time. He can imagine the blonde haired man laughing at him for being such a fool.

After what it seems forever, he finally found the golden plaque that says, 'Guest Bathroom'. Cheering inside he quickly dashed there and opened the door.


Then he stopped frozen at the sight before him. A young man shorter than him with blond hair that reaches to his shoulder and familiar purple eyes faced him. His face is frozen in shock and Shu had to stop himself from looking down because he knew the young man before him is wearing nothing.

"Ah! I'm sorry!"

Shu quickly punched himself mentally and closed the door. "I'm really sorry! I didn't know someone is here!"

The young man didn't reply and Shu began to feel anxious. He didn't think his first meeting with the youngest brother of Ellias Foster would be him walking in on the young man while he's changing. He covered his red face with his hands and lamented his luck.

'Ellias is going to kill me. He's going to feed my corpse to the wolves.'

But still he can't go away because he also needed the bathroom. He groaned. 'Ah, what to do?' thought Shu.

"No. No it's okay. It's an accident."

The voice coming from inside the bathroom woke Shu up from his panicked state. "What? It's not okay. Please tell me what i could do to make it up to you." said Shu in a hurry.

"You're Big Brother's friend, right? The one that comes over every month."

Shu's ears perked up. "You know me? and also, every month?"

"Yes and yes. You like to give him headache."

Shu chuckled, "That i do." He also didn't know that he goes over to Foster Mansion every month, he unconsciously made that pattern then.

"And uh..."


"Do you mind...uh...walking away? I don't think i'm very comfortable with...you in front of the door."

"Yes! Right away! But i'll come back soon because i really do need the bathroom."

"That's fine by me."

Shu then walked away a few meters from the door. He then saw it open and a fully clothed Illiad Foster ran out.

"After this i'll have to pray or else my third leg will be chopped off."

He ran towards the bathroom, once again lamenting his fate.