Myriad Flame Golden Cauldron

"'s impossible! H-how can this cauldron in your possession?!" exclaimed Snowy, who seemingly had lost her composure several times today, while glared at the old man sharply.

Although the veil was still covering her face, it couldn't hide her disconcerted looks. Snowy didn't seem aware that her emotion became more vivid and her breathtaking face colored with various expressions after she unlocked her memories.

The old man chuckled, not minding her vigilant attitude, and then he said, "She entrusted the cauldron to me and asked me to pass it to the fated one. If you're not that existence, then I might have given this cauldron to the little bird there. Even if she didn't practice alchemy, merely the fire inside the cauldron could make her unrivaled within her generation."

"How can it be...this cauldron was her soulbond true-life treasure... it can't be here, unless..." Her fist clenched hard, and a deep frown appeared on her forehead.