Threat and Heaven Plane's Current Situation

Snowy looked at her and asked Alchemy Goddess the question that had long plagued her mind.

"Tian'er, What had happened to you back then?"

"To be honest, my recollection about the battle is quite fuzzy. Here, take a look for yourself, Snowy," After listening about her current life, Alchemy Goddess quickly decided to call Snowy by her current name too.

Without warning, a ray of light shot from Alchemy Goddess' finger straight into Snowy's forehead.

Snowy's vision went black for a brief period before she opened her eyes to find herself in a different location.

It was a chaotic place surrounded by spatial distortion.

Snowy guessed that the place was somewhere inside the spatial rift, the same rift that separated the 5 regions in the Mortal Plane and connected all three great realms and three thousand realms.

As blood flowed from the top of her head and covered her eyes, her vision became hazy and a little reddish.