Fire Soul

Feng Xue wanted to say something to Madam Feng, but she had already walked out of the room in a dash, leaving Snowy and Feng Xue in an awkward atmosphere.

"Anyway, you look perturbed, Snowy. Care to share it with me?" Feng Xue was the first one who broke the silence.


Snowy told her what happened after she bond with Myriad Flame Golden Cauldron, from the last moment of Alchemy Goddess to the change in Heaven Plane. She told her the whole story without omitting anything.

Feng Xue showed a complicated expression after listening to Snowy's story.

"Fuuuh…. It's getting crazier and crazier," Feng Xue heaved a big sigh before she spoke, "So, in a nutshell, the old man was a former big-shot who got kicked by another big shot that was apparently trying to get his hand in our realm. And, there are also some ugly beasts which wanted to make our home their playground. Yeah, crazy indeed."

"Un," replied Snowy