Nine Yin Exquisite Body

"B-b-beyond Heaven-rank physique!" 

Li Xuan exclaimed while her heart thumped violently, "You talk nonsense! I never hear about a physique beyond heaven-rank before! you must be lying to me."

"Of course not. Why would I lie to you? It won't benefit me at all instead, it will only make you more suspicious," Rong Hua's tone was calm.

Li Xuan sized Rong Hua intensely, seemingly want to uncover her intention. 

"Show me the proof," said Li Xuan.

"Are you sure? Don't blame me, later~" 

Rong Hua hopped in between Li Xuan's twin peaks without warning.

"Y-you, what are you doing?" said Li Xuan, flustered by Rong Hua's sudden action.

"I need to check something, quickly circulate your qi toward your dantian," shouted Rong Hua.

Li Xuan didn't have time to think further and quickly did what Rong Hua asked her.

She sat down in a lotus position and started to revolve her qi inside her body.