Senior Sister Snowy

"W-what happened?"

That was the question that they dying to know the answer to right now.

When they look around to find the source of the string-like sound, they saw two beautiful figures on top of a flying sword were slowly descending in front of them.

"T-thank you for your help, fellow Daoist!"

Zhao Dong and his team recovered from their stupor and hastily cupped their hand and politely bow.

Both of the women whose faces were covered by a veil gave them an impression of a fairy from the distant land.

To be able to ride flying swords mean that at least one of them was a Golden Core stage cultivator.

'No wonder they could kill those groups as easy as killing an ant,' Zhao Dong bitterly chuckled inwardly.

Although Zhao Dong and his group couldn't see their face clearly, they were sure that these two ladies were kingdom-toppling beauty from their graceful aura and alluring figure.