Chen Xiaoyun

Seeing her reaction, Snowy wasn't dumb and quickly knew that the girl in front of her once again felt jealous.

"I think you're prettier."

"Of course, I am~"

Listening to Snowy's sincere words, Feng Xue's face beaming with a smile.

"Anyway, how do you know that she was your former host descendant?" Feng Xue asked while playing with Snowy's hair.

"You know that I have divine eyes right?" Snowy continued as she saw Feng Xue responded with a nod, "With my divine eyes, I can get the information about someone or something including their bloodline and physique. The truth is I recognized your potential because of these eyes."

Feng Xue didn't find it surprising, in her opinion at least what called Divine Eyes should at least do that much. She didn't make a comment and let Snowy continue her explanation.