Chapter 13 12°Celsius

Deal with the devil.

I closed my eyes with my arms engulfing myself trying to protect me from the unknown.

My heartbeat was increasing with each passing second and I could feel my hands starting to shake.

Minutes passed and my condition worsened in anticipation.

A panic attack was in making and me forgetting today's dose of my medicine was a catalyst.

He was silent...only his strong cologne and cigar smoke intermixing could be felt.

Finally after waiting for too long I decided to open one eye.

He was very close...his fingers held my brown locks with which he was playing..

"I....I...a...m so..rry...I... didn'"

"Just shut up your pretty mouth belle."

I zipped my mouth shut and breathing became difficult.

My chest started moving up and down faster as tears stinged my tears..

The pain is**....this panic attack seems worse than others.