Chapter five

Ivory's POV

The walk home was quiet, half of the time I had been questioning myself whether I should even be out this late. I knew I had a curfew but I got carried away, talking for more than an hour after the given time.

It was easy to predict that my mom wouldn't be too happy with me when I get home.

As soon as I walked in, I could hear my mom practically scream "Ivory, where were you?"


"You know what? It doesn't matter. We'll continue this conversation tomorrow. Now get to bed... It's already way past your bedtime" she scolded, her finger pointing at the stairs, signaling for me to hurry and that's what I did.

Getting my shoes off, I scurried up the stairs. I could tell both Ian and Reta were asleep considering all the lights in the hallway had been switched off. I made sure not to make too much noise, walking across their rooms with every footstep slightly creaking more than the next, with the old wooden flooring.


"So... You're grounded" it wasn't a question, it was a statement. Ian didn't even make an effort to keep in his laugh while speaking "and they say I'm the troublemaker"

I didn't waste my time responding, instead, I turned around and started to walk to my next class. Luckily, we didn't have to share a class so he wouldn't be following me to chemistry.

I didn't really mind some of the glances I got when I made my way through the hallway. Step into the classroom, I made my way over to the very back of the room, still noticing the glances being sent my way.

I didn't mind all the people staring but it was starting to get uncomfortable. I wish they could just mind their own business instead of paying most of their attention to me as if I'm some magnet that keeps attracting.


"Hi" I answered Ramon, who took a seat next to me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I didn't care that he had sat there cause after yesterday I'm positive we're o good terms "What's with the annoyed look?"

"Have you not seen how many fans I have?" the sarcasm in my voice was clear as day.

"No, I'm pretty sure they find you interesting cause you're associated with me" I sent him a glare, watching as he leaned back on the chair, carefree.

Rolling my eyes, I placed my chin on my folded hands that were placed on the desk "when does this period end again?"

"Approximately thirty more minutes"


"Why is he here?" Ian whispered harshly "you know I don't like him"

"You know I'm right here, right?" Ramon had answered, beating me to it.

I sent Ramon a slightly weird look considering even I, who's sitting right next to Ian, barely heard what he said "are you going to leave?"

"Seeing as it annoys you so much. No, I'd rather stay" I watched slightly amused as Ian shot Ramon a glare for the response.

"Are you two done bickering?" Reta cut in, taking a seat at our table as well.

"If that tomato doesn't answer your question, I don't know" Ramon pointed at Ian's face, which was turning a slight shade of red with anger.

"Okay" she started, sensing the uncomfortable yet entertaining atmosphere around us "my friends are absent so I'm sitting here today, and I'd like it if you both stopped"

"Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love"

"I don't know who but I know you just quoted someone" I directed at Ian.

"Emma Wattson" he responded, simply.

I don't know who told Ramon it would be a good idea to say it but he did "who's that?"

"Are you kidding me? Have you been living under a rock? Emma Wattson, the greatest actor ever known to have walked the Earth, the most gorgeous human around, the best celebrity and I could just go on"

"Looks like she's not that famous considering I don't know her... Besides the only reason, you think that is cause you like her"

Ian opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again only to close it once more "I- I don't even know what to say to you"

"Than don't say, just act" the words flew right out of my mouth, probably wanting a small fight to happen.

"If I act, he wouldn't be alive" Ian placed in.

"No, I'm pretty sure you'd be the one dead" Ramon shot back as I wanted patiently for a small fight. I could tell from the look Reta was giving me, she wanted to see what's going to happen but at the same time, she was fearing the small consequences.

"Why don't you try then? What's wrong? Scared?" Ian mocked, getting up from his seat with a challenging look plastered on his face.

"Nope, just don't want to break too many bones" Ramon got up as well, signaling they were both ready but I knew they wouldn't really go for it.

Before anything could happen bell rang, notifying that the next class was about to start "alright let's g-"

Reta started but was cut off when a loud slack was heard throughout the room. I thought it was Ramon it once I looked towards them I saw it was Ian who had smacked him.

There was a small reddish color on Ramon's face which was quick to fade. I could tell that both of that at that point were not planning on holding back.

"Alright, that's enough" Reta moved over, ready to pull them away.

Before she could though, yet another sound went off through the room, gaining everyone's attention if the first one already hadn't.

That one smack had panic erupt slightly in me while it had Reta's eyes holding nothing but fear of what could happen... So I guess we were both panicking.


"How did I get suspended?" I exclaimed, walking out of the school with Reta and Ian with ram on following not too far behind.

Both Ian and Ramon had several bruises but most were on Ian's face. Both Reta and I had tried to stop them but they didn't stop till one of the teachers came and started yelling.

"Well, you did encourage them" Reta murmered.

I could hear both the boys still arguing, walking a few steps behind us "I held myself back"

"Please" Ramon let out, hearing Ian's obvious excuse "you were practically begging for mercy"

"Was not"

"Was too"

"Was not"

"Was too"


"I swear you both argue like an old married couple" Reta cut Jan off before they could continue with their childish fight.

"Sorry but there is no way we're both connected in any way... We're not even the same species I'm an alien and he's a human" Ramin rolled his eyes, noticing how I am was gesturing at him.

I went to say something but Ramon was way ahead of me "not to argue with the fact that your an annoying alien but how are you not human?"

"The simple fact that I'm smarter, stronger, and more lovable than the human species speaks a lot itself" the bragging tone stayed still as he spoke up.

"Does it? Does it really?" Reta was the one to ask this time.

"Yes, it does" he reassured, acting like he couldn't be more correct.

"So that means we're both aliens and we're both adopted" my words came out more of a statement tan a question "sweet"

"No... Your just an accidental clone made by our foster mother, who by the way, is a secret scientist undercover"

"What makes you say that?" Reta went on, needing to keep this weird yet humorous conversation going.

"Cause she has the highest grade in science I have ever seen including a master's degree, which isn't that easy to earn you know?" Reta looked taken back at his statement, mimicking my expressions.

I waited for a quick second before speaking "than why does she work as a janitor in a school?"

"Like I said she's a secret scientist going undercover... Probably trying to examine me, the alien and you, the rough draft" me directed the 'you' at me.

"Well, there's something you can beat me in Hale... You can have a bigger imagination" Ramon spoke, placing his hand on Ian's shoulder which he was quick to shake off.

"I don't want the imagination... Besides I'm speaking pure facts. I'm surprised you didn't know already" Ian continued "mom has several types of equipment in the basement"

"We have a basement?" both I and Reta asked, not knowing the fact.

"And an attic" recognizing the look on our faces he continued "this is the point where I'm surprised you even know we have a house"

"Well we don't go sneaking around" Reta retorted back.

"No wonder you're always in trouble. Can't even keep your hands to yourself in your own house" I could see Ian sending Ramon a glare but I chose to ignore it.