Chapter eleven

Ivy's POV

"Ivy, meet Jackie, my best friend" Reta spoke in an enthusiastic tone, turning on the lights "Jackie, meet Ivy, my sister"

There stood a blonde girl with pale skin, about the same age as Reta. Her bright, baby blue eyes stood out from most of her featured, complementing her strawberry blonde hair.

"Ian's twin, right?" Jackie asked, a friendly grin plastered on her face "you two share a strong resemblance"

"I don't know whether I should take that as a complement or an insult" I muttered the same answer I would give to anyone that compares me to my brother.

"She's funny" Jackie directed at Reta.

"Well there's something you don't hear everyday" Reta rolled her eyes, though a smile was plastered on her lips.

"How long have you two known each other?" Curiosity took its course, getting the best of me as I asked the question.

"A year" Reta continued "she was captain of the basket ball team, before I joined and stole the title"

"Enemies to besties" Jacky remarked.

"She's going with us to the festival... you don't mind, right?"

"Sure, gets us some bonding time" I answered Reta's question "where would you hit up first?"

"Definitely Greggs pastries... they make a mean chocolate pudding"

I love Greggs pastries "I love her" I mumbled, knowing no one else in my family, not even Ramon, would've gone with me to Greggs, they hated going to those types of places... they prefer rides over food, who does that?

"Great, we'll see you tomorrow than... we gotta get to class"

"I actually have a free period" I mumbled, hearing Reta's words.

"Same" Jackie added, making Reta nod, before leaving "so… what do you want to do?"

I merely shrugged, having no clue what I actually wanted "twenty questions? I mean, I don't know you that well yet so…" I trailed off.

"Sure" she mumbled, walking over to a table in the empty classroom. I followed suit, sitting down next to her "I'll start, what's your favorite color?"

"Black… favorite food?" I asked her in return.

"Croissant" she spoke in a French accent, surprising me a bit.

"I didn't know you were French"

"I'm half French… from my dads side, half Italian… from my moms side" she smiled sweetly as she said the words "a series you'd binge?"

"The flash" I started "if you could go to anywhere in the world, where would you go?"

"Japan, for sure. I've wanted to go ever since I was a kid" she seemed happy talking about it. I guess she liked the pace more than she could imagine.

"I remember Reta telling me she wanted to go there too… it was one of her biggest dreams" I placed in, remembering how she would constantly gush over how beautiful the place looked.

She's a red to go there for as long as I remember. She had one of her room walls decorated with blossom trees. Pictured of different locations in Japan were all over her room, mostly on some frames she put up, saying she wanted to go there.

"Really? She never mentioned that" Jackie stated "who's your favorite person?"


It wasn't really a competition, after all he was my twin. We shared the same womb for years. Sure we had our fair share of arguments, though he and I both know it's normal. I mean, if you've seen us fighting physically, you'd wonder if I was telling the truth or just spitting out straight lies, which I could be, but I'm not.

"What's your dream job?" I asked her.

"Laugh all you want, but I'll always choose a clown at the end of the day. Yes, I know, it seems like some sort of joke, but I'm serious. I like making people laugh, and if being a clown is what it takes, so be it. Besides, you know those clowns cheating children up in hospitals?" I nodded so she continued "I want to be one of those, because it feels like I'm changing something… you know?"

"That's really thoughtful, Jackie" I pointed out the obvious face.

"Yeah, but my parents don't seem to think so. They say it isn't a real job and that I should consider being a Pilot or a lawyer… knowing my luck, the plane would've crashed, before it could lift off" she paused midway "that made no sense, did it?"

"It did not, but it-" I cut myself off, something catching my eye from a distance.

My gaze was glued onto the window behind Jackie, staring out, seeing Ramon, running towards the woods with some guy. School was in session at the time, and though you might have a free period, it wasn't allowed to leave.

There were several guards near the entrance and exit, so the only way out was one if the windows, or your parents coming to fetch you.

I knew the guy with Ramon wasn't his dad, he passed away ten years ago in a car crash. I can clearly recall the memory of six year old Ramon, standing outside my house door, soaking from top to bottom. He had tears streaming down his face when my mom let him in.

He had been with his aunt, though when he heard the news he ran over. Both his parents were in the car, though his dad passed away on scene, his mom slipped into a coma for a year. He stayed with his aunt for the nights, though he spent most of his time at our place. His aunt had work so there was no where else he could possibly go.

I was kind of happy I was able to help him… I mean, isn't that what friends were for?