Chapter 9

"Take a deep breath in," she said and I obliged as I put my hand on my knees and looked to my front while I felt her touching my chest.


Jung came running into the room huffing as he looked at me and then at the doctor. "What's wrong?" He asked as he literally threw his bag on a chair and cam forward to me as the doctor checked me using a stethoscope. "Breath out," the doctor told me and I did all the while looking at Jung who looked way too confused.

"Well, there seems nothing wrong, my dear," the doctor who seemed to be in her late fifties chuckled as she patted my back and threw her stethoscope around her neck as she passed her swivel chair towards her desk. "Then doctor, why do I have a raised heartbeat?" I asked confused as I put my hand on my chest and could feel the heart pounding vigorously.

"Raised heartbeat?" Jung looked baffled.