Chapter 24

A cup of coffee was placed before me and I reached out to take it, ready to thank Noah but then as my hand touched the hot cup, accidentally, I winched and looked up only to find Chelsea in place of Noah.

She gave me a smile and kept a file before me. "I was already in my way to bring you this file and I met Noah on my way, with your coffee, so I offered to help," she told me and I placed the cup down.

"You should know, the work suits in the hands of the one skilled to do it. If someone else does it, he's sure to mess it up! Look at the cup, in your hastiness, you've managed to pour some coffee out of the cup," I told her as I pointed at the spilled coffee on the saucer.

"Oh my!" She whispered and immediately took the tissue from the tissue box from my table and worked on to remove the spilled coffee.

"Let it be!" I remarked and looked at the file in her hand.