Chapter 27

Fourteen years.

Fourteen years, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I knew I was a stupid person but still with the only picture I had of her from the prom nights, I would simply stare at it and keep it back in between the pages of a book.

I used to think what she meant she told me that what happened in the school was because of her and what made her leave, without even saying goodbye.

But as life went on, I kept in the back of my mind, refusing to think about her but I knew she was there. Time went on, and I was growing acquainted with whatever I was and wherever I was, I had finally stopped thinking about her.

But it looks things never really goes the way, you always want it to.

So here she was, roaming around my office cabin, looking at every picture and certificates, on the wall and then to my bookshelf. She picked out a valuation book and opened it to read it as I sat behind my desk watching her still not believing she was actually standing before me.