Chapter 31

She said she is going back to South Africa for some days but it's already three weeks since she disappeared again.

Noah told me that she had signed the contract and has already sent it back. That means she is interested in investing in my company. Dad contacted me and told me that currently he is France for my mother's treatment and they got an extremely talented surgeon and they have already proceeded with the treatment. That's a good news.

I have been contacted by NASA several times. I wanted to go back but damn to this Knights Corp, I can't.

It was what I was seeing, like sand slip through your hand no matter, how hard you hold, my dream was slipping right through my fingers and I couldn't do anything.

"Donuts and hot chocolate, what a perfect mix," a paper bag was placed before me and I looked up to find Chelsea, smiling down at me as she kept it there.

"But it's not even lunch time," I told her and she shrugged.