Chapter 34

The clock hit eight and I was up on my feet closing the laptop and keeping my things in the drawer. Early in the morning I had to rush back home to take a bath and then I returned back to the company and in the break I had to move out for a quick meeting but the whole day, I had Veronica in my mind as I sent Noah multiple times to her penthouse to check on her and thankfully each time he informed me that she was doing fine and her temperature went down and she was resting.

I was glad, but as the day ended I worked fast to complete my work to get back to her penthouse.

"Ace," it was Chelsea as she walked into my cabin.

"Heading back already? Let's go out for dinner," she asked as she put her hands on a chair and smiled at me.

"No can Kinsley, I have to be somewhere now," I told her as I wore my suit and adjusted it, buttoning it up in the process.

"Oh," was the only thing that I heard.