Chapter 42

When things are not on your side, nothing can help it. It was how I ended up drenched up because the damn faucet broke open when I turned it on. The water, was in pressure as it hit my face and drenched my shirt while, I tried to get a hold of the faucet and fix it back on the sink, but by the time I was able to fix it, it was too late and my shirt was totally drenched.

"Ace?" I heard Veronica's voice.

She probably heard the breaking of the faucet. It was freezing and I got rid of my shirt as I heard her knocking at the door. Cursing under my breath, I opened the door and flipped the shirt in the air, annoyed.

"That stupid faucet of the sink, broke open when I turned it on, shit!" I told her and inspected the shirt. But it was of no use. It was soaked and I sighed as I walked to the chair where I had thrown my jacket previously, and removed it and used the chair to dry the shirt.