Chapter 49


The administrative capital of South Africa. It was a lovely city. My car passed by the jacaranda trees planted in its streets, parks and gardens, I peeked through the windows towards the new place, that I was visiting.

It was my first time in Pretoria and I took my father's private jet to reach and reached Pretoria in just fourteen hours. I asked Noah to find out about Veronica and he told me that she was actually from Cape town but shifted to Pretoria a year ago and now she was in Pretoria doing her business.

I was dying to meet her again. She told me, she wouldn't message or text me until I reply and as I didn't reply she didn't text back being truthful or should I say, adamant to her words. I wonder what she must be doing right now.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I looked to my side to find Noah going through his tab.

"To the horse riding field," he said and that made me look back at him in confusion.

"Horse riding field?"