Chapter 5

Adam POV

It has been 9 painstaking month since she had left. Every day I sit out by the window waiting for her to return. Knowing truly well that she wont. I hate the feeling not knowing where my Mariah has gone.

I never really let anyone truly know how Mariah's departure effected me. I still couldn't admit she was my mate knowing that everyone knew now.

I thought maybe after her departure i would feel better but time got worse instead. I remember crying every night knowing the pain I must have put her through the agony she felt when I hurt her. No I didn't do it I shook my head at the thought. Bile rose in my throat and i knew she wanted it she was practically begging for it.

I wasn't wrong and I wasn't going to feel guilty because I didn't do anything she didn't want me to do. One way or the other she would have already been given me herself.

My heart slammed in my chest remembering how much her modesty meant to her I took that away from her. Despite the fact she told me she was waiting for meal at the right time, not wanting to rush into things too early. But instead I took her by force. I still can't get her cries out my head and her screaming as she became petrified of me.

Don't get me started on Jesse who planned all of this. Maybe this was my punishment me and Jesse being made for each other.

I growled just thinking about Mariah. If she doesn't want to come back it's up to her I though bitterly.

Mariah could never understand me like the way Jesse does. Jesse accepted me for all my flaws which Mariah could never. Mariah hated my negative attitude or selfishness but Jesse hadn't cared. We both had similar flaws to care.

Who gives a crap about the spark's? I thought.

You okay Adam? Brad intruded into my room. I hate the fact that Brad seemed comfortable coming inside my sanctuary like it was his own.

Only Mariah can do that... but she's never coming back! I reminded myself once again.

Yes just a few sleepless nights. I said rubbing the back of my neck, knowing the real reason why I couldn't fall asleep.So what do you want? I asked sharply.

Well just wanted to check up on you. Adam what you did to Mariah you have to let it go he said slowly.

She's your sister and you don't even care what I did to her? I snarled, my breathing growing rapidly. I could feel my hands clenching biting into my wrist.

Whatever happened,happened In his he tired to shrug it off but his eyes betrayed him.

I knew he's lost without his sister, he just couldn't admit it.

Did you know your sister was a virgin? I stared out the window again feeling my stomach churned.

I heard his breathing hitch slightly. He knew for a first timer it's really painful, But Mariah wanted it I told myself over and over again. After few second of silent Brad spoke up.

Adam you hurt her this time i believed that he was speaking from his heart. You think I dont hate myself for not standing up for her

Don't you dare say that! I growled, gritting my teeth I never raped her!

You are just as sick do you know that Brad you let me. Sure I enjoyed it but you're meant to be her brother, protect her and i wanted you to stop me. I was practically begging you to put an end to this. How would your dad feel about it?

Adam I don't get you. One minute you hate her next you feel sorry for her. Brad snapped make me even angrier.

Brad I suggest you leave before I kill you I clenched my teeth, balling my fist ready to punch him in the face.

He moved few steps backwards avoiding any punch I would launch at him. He began exiting the room but i still had one question in my mind.

Why did your mum beat her up? I finally asked.

Brad turned back to me eyes flashing with guilt.

How did you know about that?

You knew she was getting beaten up and you never wanted to help her! I growled. He just let his mother beat her up. No one hurts my mate. No one!

You idiot you hurt my mate his presence shocked me.

It actually blew me away slightly. He hadn't interacted with me since she left. Only when I am fighting does he resurface.

Wolfey you decide to come out then. I smirked, I knew one day or another he would come and talk to me again. He couldn't stay angry for me for too long.

Shut up. She's not yours anymore she's mine. Once I take over your body, I will have her. Show her the love she deserves and I will make sure to protect her from the likes of you and your friends. I will do everything you never did he chuckled evily.

Shut up.

You raped her I could tell he was grinning from ear to ear. His voice challenged me making me feel slightly afraid.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I tried so hard to block all the images out. I never raped her!

I heard him chuckle arrogantly at me, o stood looking like a clown infront of Brad.

Are you okay? I didn't have to say a word my growl told him. He exited my bedroom.

I rejected the only person who would look beneath the bad boy appearance or my physical appearance. She knows me for my sweet, charming and funny personality. I wish I could really turn back time and show her more of that side. I wish I never rejected her or kicked her out.

Another thing about my sweet Mariah is that she doesn't look at me as an alpha she looks at me as her lover, father of her children and most of all her protector.

Adam, just go sit in the living room for a while! I heard her yell from the toilet. I bet she's putting on her makeup.

I have no idea why they do. It look's funny and fake. I'm not saying all girls do but why would you put on too much, it looks ridiculous.

Mariah never wore any, her complexion was flawless and perfect. But it was her eyes, they were the best brown ryes i had ever laid eyes in. They were the eyes I dream of every girl would have, but she's the only one that owns them.

Stacey walked in, with nothing but a robe.

So have you heard anything about Mariah lately? I don't know why I asked her.

To be honest with you baby, I don't care. I think you did the right thing. She was just holding you back from all of this. If you wouldn't have rejected her, you wouldn't have got what all girls would offer you. You would be a one woman man she pouted saying the last line. I couldn't believe she had been Mariah's closest friend.

Yes your right I guessed I sighed.

She traced her finger up my thigh, knowing well what I came for. Forget about her she puckered her lips.

Then I felt a pain stabbing feeling in my heart. I knew something was wrong. It's Mariah.

I screamed as i felt like hot water was poured over me while my heart was electrocuted. The pain was too agonizing that my body succumbed ti the darkness.