Meeting in Consciousness


Apollo suddenly felt a huge power coursing through his body. The dried vessels suddenly received a large flow of energy, and the source of energy itself was mysterious.

His scales started showing on his face and arms, so beautiful, of the color of night.

His condition soon reached the previous state in a short amount of time, but the energy entering him didn't stop a bit, and his body was accepting it too. This only meant one thing, that his blood vessels had widened. But his mind was not focused on it at all.

Seeing his mate gave Apollo those feelings which he could not even imagine. Even though his mate was still a child, the primal feelings of possessiveness were more stronger than anything.

Being a dragon, he was very, very protective of his partner, especially when dragons were said to be the most loyal in the world. They only had one partner in their entire lifetime, which could span up to a thousand years.

Since the last two years, seeing the child and feeling his emotions made Apollo feel a mysterious connection between them. He was already very much emotional for the child. But, when he realized that the innocent life coming in his mind was his life-partner, his mate, his heart and mind was full of possessive feelings. He was feeling lucky that he could see the growth of his mate, all the times of his life, his changes, etc.

When he saw that woman choking his mate, he went crazy. He wanted to destroy everything, or even die himself. Because in such a long life, if he could not get the joy of having a partner, sharing everything, his heart, soul, or mind with that person, then it was a better option to die while protecting his mate.

Apollo, or Long Lei was getting more and more crazy with time, only one thing was left in his mind; his mate was in distress, his mate wanted him. The powers entering his body became more and more rampant, and he did not even realize that his wishes were coming true.

Fang Bai, who was feeling a lot of pain from his mother's chokehold, suddenly felt his pain lessen. Being a child, he could not understand much, but looking at the ugly face of the woman in front of him, he felt very scared. His wounds also unknowingly healed from inside, just leaving shallow marks on the surface.

He started feeling sleepy due to some reason, and closed his eyes, he was transferred to a strange consciousness.

Zhuang Ling, who thought she had killed Fang Bai, felt happiness and started laughing maniacally.

Long Lei saw his mate falling unconscious, he felt hopelessness wash over him. He started sobbing, while crying for his mate. Unknowingly, he felt a pull from a certain part of his mind. Along with the pull, was the crying sound of his mate.

Not realizing what had happened, he entered his consciousness there and tried to console his mate desperately.

"Darling, don't cry, don't cry… I am here. Can you hear me? Darling please stop crying!!!! Or I will die. Your Lei is here, waiting for you. Darling, darling,...Don't go away, please"

Long Lei started sobbing while saying this. Oh~ how much he wanted his mate.

Fang Bai's consciousness was pulled to a place when he was sleeping. It was an unknown, dark place. He was anxious by all the loneliness and darkness, so he called for his brother. There was no reply to his call, he tried many times, but there was no reply. Tears suddenly fell from his eyes and he started crying.

After some time, suddenly, he felt a very relaxing feeling wash over him. It felt so good and comfortable, just as comfortable as his brother's love, which although was not available all the time. He did not know why, but he could feel that the existence liked him. No-one other than his brother ever liked him.

Then, he heard the existence sobbing. He was anxious, he did not want that person to feel sad, he wanted them to be happy. He was very worried, when he heard that person calling himself Lei.

He was dazed, he chewed the words Lei in his mouth, and called again and again. Unknowingly, he loudly called. "Lei…"

Suddenly Long Lei, who was feeling desperately miserable, heard a soft sound and his eyes widened in surprise. He reacted and looked around him only to realize that this place was never in his consciousness.

It was a new, hidden corner of his brain. He could not see anything, but he could feel a consciousness near him. And that consciousness was of his mate.

"Dear… baby, can you h-hear me…? Can you feel me?"

Fang Bai, on the other hand, was very happy that the person or existence had calmed down. He happily called his name again and again, and then called the name of the second person he liked, his ge-ge. They both liked him, he was very happy.

"Lei...Lei, haha, Lei, ge-ge, haha… Lei"

Long Lei felt the happiness of his mate too, and much more realistically than ever, as if both of them were already one. He went towards the other consciousness to once feel the existence of his mate, to bath in it.

Fang Bai also felt very good near the person. He could feel the love he was getting, the love he yearned to be showered with…


2 days later

A lot of things happened. Fang Junjie and Fang Bai were taken to hospital and checked. The police also came forward to investigate the truth. The whole story was found out.

After their mother's death, technically the guardianship of those children should have gone to Fang Lowei.

Fang Lowei, at first was also soft-hearted towards the two boys because after-all, they both were his sons. But then, his wife mentioned to him that the children may hold resentment towards him and his family because of the past, and that they may take revenge and harm his baby-daughter.

So he changed his mind and used his connections to change the details of the boys and declare them as orphans.

[Author : How fickle. tsk tsk]

Fang Junjie and Fang Bai were now orphans. Since the last two days, they were taken care of by the kind policemen, nurses and doctors in the hospital. All of them felt pity for the boys whose father did not want them and mother was like a villain before she died.

The 5 year-old and mature Fang Junjie, who could feel the meaning of their gazes, was uncomfortable. He quietly shifted his attention towards his 3-year old little brother, Fang Bai, who could also speak a few words and understand him. Well, he was an expert at communication with his little dumpling.

"Ge-ge, we won't go home now? We won't see our mama?"


"Ge-ge you won't get pain now?"


"Ge-ge I want hugs."

"Here come to me."

"Ge-ge, I don't want to sleep alone."

"Come to my bed."

"Ge-ge I want to hear twinkle twinkle"

"-Sigh! You really want to hear it?"


"-Sigh!... Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are…"

[Author: Such a small child sighing, cute. Haha. This big brother is already pampering his lil bro to the heavens.]

This day, a police car dropped them off at the gate of an orphanage. A middle-aged lady was already standing at the gate, waiting for them. The policeman who had delivered them, came forward to talk to the lady.

"Hello Mrs. Feng. How are you?"

"Hello Mr Wang. I'm good. Are these the two children whom you were talking about?"

"Yes. The older one is Fang Junjie, 5 years old, and the little one is Fang Bai, 3 years old."

The lady was called Mrs. Feng by everyone. Her husband, Mr. Feng was in a higher position in the army, so he came home very less times in a year. Due to an early-age wound, her husband had lost his ability to give birth to children. But both of them loved children very much.

One day, they both thought of an idea for having a childcare home for the children of the fellow soldiers who had died in the battlefield.

Only a few of the wives of those soldiers would take care of their children. Others would abandon them for a better life and a new family. This was an ugly truth.

They discussed the idea with their friends and the idea hit it off. And since then, their childcare home, or orphanage was a well known place among the soldiers.

Some soldiers would also drop by their children for a few days when they were injured and had no time for their kids.

Now, how did Fang Bai and Fang Junjie get into the orphanage? Well, there was a kind policeman who was a classmate of Mr. Feng. He had seen the well behaved brothers in the hospital and felt pity for them. So he talked to Mrs. Feng and got them here.

Mrs. Feng looked at the cute faces of the two children who came. The elder one had a serious face, but such a serious expression on his cute face looked funny. He was holding the hand of a younger, angelic faced boy very tightly.

The younger one seemed curious about his surroundings. He was again and again pulling his brother's arms to show the various swings around the orphanage.

Her heart melted seeing them. She talked with Mr. Wang for a while, and then walked towards the little boys.