Where am I?

This chapter has gore scenes. You all are cautioned before reading.

You are advised to kindly drop the story if it doesn't suit you. It's for your best only.


Author sama is dropping by to greet the readers.


Coughing and panting, Li Jin opened his eyes to the stench of rotten flesh and blood. There were some familiar animal-like horrible growls coming from some distance. Massaging his head slowly to ease the headache, he got up from the stony and uneven ground and looked around where he was. The place was quite dark and stuffy, with overwhelmingly bad odour.

There was a weak light coming from the top, it seemed to have escaped through the rocks and entered inside the... room?

'No. This is not a room!'


Li Jin felt his heart sink when he realised where he was, no, this couldn't happen. Was everything that he just saw a dream? Where was he? Was he being played? What about his death?

'Then… Am I a zombie?'

As if he was electrocuted, he jerked and checked his hands and legs, no, they weren't rotten. Rather, they were chipped with dirt and scars like how they were before. After this short relief, he could not deny the fact that he was back, back to hell.

With heavy feelings, he proceeded to turn around and inspect his surroundings properly, only to find a hobbling figure running fast towards him. A two legged creature which could not be recognised as human anymore. It's eyes bulged out of the sockets in different directions, mouth forever open with the tongue already stretching towards him as if impatient to savour his taste, the skin was torn open in wherever places visible, giving a gore scenery of white and red patches. It's one leg seemed cut off from under the knees because of which it appeared hobbling. The hands and arms were so thin and crumpled that they could even be mistaken as claws.

Li Jin drew in his breath as he watched the creature come more and more closer. Instinctively, he mobilised his power to burn the creature with his electric power. to find that his power seemed to have left him.

The figure seemed to have sensed his presence as it thirstily ran towards him, falling down headfirst on the ground because of the different length of limbs. Still, it dragged itself with its bony hands which contained so much power, simultaneously pushing itself forward with its legs.

Li Jin prepared himself to kill the creature with his kick as he took the stance for a power kick. And as the creature came and he kicked, he was bewildered to see the creature passing through his legs like he was air, then it came more close, so dangerously close, and he could only watch as the whole thing crawled through his lower body.

And before he could turn around to look at the creature again, he heard a loud thump and a mass of meat again flew and passed right through him, this time through his upper body and he could only see that ugly scene as that thing, seemingly frozen, crashed with the wall of the cave and broke into pieces.

Never in his life would he forget that awe-inspiring moment that could collectively give heart attack to almost all the people if it was streamed as a horror movie in the theatres.

Li Jin heaved in as he controlled his urge to desperately puke out as he turned around to see… himself?

There he was, curled up with his head on the lap of an overwhelmingly familiar person. That person was massaging his head while talking very softly to him, and it seemed that he was the one to kill the zombie as he himself did not remember having any ice ability.

"WHaT!!!" This person is definitely familiar. Li Jin can never forget this vigilant and observant handsome face.

'Tang Rong!!!' This person who seemed to have his signature aloof personality was now cradling Li Jin's head on his own lap and massaging it with care.

Even in the apocalypse, although his clothes were definitely not lean and high-end as he had seen before, still his face seemed to have a different glow and his sharp black eyes definitely were the shiniest of all. The tips of his long shoulder-length hair were dyed in light blue colour, depicting the colour of his ability, and since this person had so much colour that he could definitely style himself properly, it was a direct indication of how high his ability was.

'He definitely looks better with long hair.'

After thinking this, Li jin shifted his focus onto himself.

Looking at himself, he still had his signature dark blue hair which told a lot about his lightning ability. Although, his hair was a bit shabby as he had often cut his hair randomly from broken glass pieces or sharp metals. He always found taking care of his hair a hassle.

"Hey, what is happening?" Li Jin said out loud to those two who were sitting in the corner. "Helloooo" He waved in front of their faces.

'Sigh.' Looking as his hands were also able to pass through the bodies of the people in front of him, he resigned to his fate. He did not know what had happened to him, or how he travelled to this familiar place again, but he surely had the will to not give up and persevere through whatever was going on.

'Have I ever met him in my previous life?' Looking at the man who was cradling his(the other him) head, he tried hard to memorise if he had forgotten anything, but everything around that time was hazy.

While he was roaming here and there and performing a one-man show, those two, himself and that person, did not give any answer, as if he was not present at all.

However loud he shouted or tried to touch them, no-one responded. Li Jin could only sit at the sidelines and watch everything.

"How are you feeling now?" Tang Rong asked Li Jin who looked dazed.

"Hmm… I feel sleepy."

"You have not eaten even once since I met you. How can you not be hungry? Come, I got some biscuits." Saying this, Tang Rong reached out for his bag on the side and took out a half-open packet of biscuits. Although the biscuits had turned damp, the world was in a state in which no-one could afford luxury.

"No, I feel awful." Li Jin again said weakly.

"Just take a bite. It's because of the fever. You need to eat something so that your body can have energy."

Saying this, Tang Rong stretched out his hand and a bowl-like container of ice solidified in his hands. Next, he again used his abilities to create crushed ice of lower, much lower temperature which soon liquified in his hands. Pouring the liquid in the ice container, he quickly dipped a biscuit before the water could freeze and carefully brought the wet and soft biscuit to Li Jin.

"Open your mouth. Sorry it's cold. I can't do anything."

Li Jin weakly opened his mouth and visibly shivered from the cold food. Although he had to admit that he found it much easier to eat such thin melted food than the coarse one which was usually available.

He stretched out his hand under Tang Rong's gaze and dipped his finger in the ice container.

Then, a huge amount of electricity flowed which warmed the water, this was just like the traditional electric motor used for heating water in old times.

Tang Rong quickly dipped the remaining biscuits in the warm water before the ice would melt and finally, also fed the warm water to Li Jin in sips.

Thankfully they had the abilities to improve their condition.

Although it looked like a very difficult procedure, for intelligent people, it was like a walk in the park, adding the bonus of their surprisingly tactical understanding.

Next, Tang Rong dipped strips of available clothes in the ice water and put it in Li Jin's head to lower his fever in a traditional way.

Looking at the two people who seemed to live in their own world, Li Jin enviously wondered, " Is this called pampering? Was I ever pampered?"

Looking at Tang Rong, he never thought this person could be so soft. Li Jin quietly remained on the side and continued watching everything. He did not know why he was being shown this, but it must definitely have been something important he forgot.

Like this, after eating himself too, Tang Rong slept with his back against the wall.


Thank you Tylr_Gaming for the constant power stones. Your support definitely cheered me up whenever I felt down.