Cock-blocker brother-in-law


No-one under 17 allowed.

Long You felt a tranquilizing feeling wash over his body and mind as he heard Junjie's response.

His mate said that he liked him. His mate was ready to accept him…

Looking into those clear eyes, which meant every single word they said, Long You felt like he would go crazy. Bending down, he desperately captured those soft lips between his.

Oh! He could not describe how heavenly they tasted! This was Junjie, his love– Junjie.

He carefully caressed the other's waist as if to see if it was real. The rise and fall of the younger man's chest definitely verified that.

Trapping those soft lips between his own, he slowly sucked on them. So soft; he feared that they were like cotton candy that would melt away. He wanted to savor the taste without missing anything; he went for the lower lip first.

He stuck out his tongue and roamed around the lip as if it were ice cream. Sucking on it again, he could feel himself getting addicted to this sensation. With each lick and suck, he breathed more heavily. Desperate, he mapped his tongue over those beautiful pink gums. As he felt the heat of the mouth cavity, Junjie's hands went to his hair and formed a tight grip.

"Oh Junjie…!" Long You moaned in a low voice. His grip on the other's waist tightened subconsciously. Loosening it, he moved his hands upwards on the strong back and brought the other's body closer to his.

His tongue traveled along his lover's teeth carefully as he slowly dipped it under the hidden crevice of the upper lip.

"Mnhmmm… ah!" Junjie let out a needy moan. He gripped the man's hair tighter, torn between pushing the latter's head away or pulling it closer until they became one. They didn't even notice when the older man had climbed into the car.

Junjie fought back with his tongue, as if to protest against the stubborn Long You. Their tongues just touched when he felt his eyes rolling back. Wave after wave of electrifying feelings traveled through his body; he could feel the strength being sapped away from his legs. Junjie moaned again as he jumped in his seat, but he only ended up colliding with Long You's chest. Their chests and stomachs were touching; as if on a cue, they began to grind against each other. Long You sat on Junjie's lap, their heated organs so close to each other.

Their tongues danced against each other as both of them reached out to feel each other as much as possible.

They parted again, but their eyes still held each other. Both of them were panting needily. By now, Long You had processed everything that had occurred until that moment..

Junjie decided to not go on the trip because he wanted to spend time with him, Junjie introduced him openly to everyone as his boyfriend. Junjie said he liked him… His mate, Junjie, accepted him!

And now, Junjie was openly telling him that he had accepted Long You with both his mind and body. Their lips were swollen; their hands were desperately holding onto one another; their stomachs –their entire bodies were almost connected, only separated by their clothes.

Junjie was lying under him with those 'oh! So delicious!' lips and beautiful face. He wanted this moment to last forever. He wanted Junjie's eyes to only hold him, as they were now.

Still holding eye contact with Junjie, Long You bowed his head and brought his lips on the skin just under Junjie's jaw. Opening his lips wide, he sucked on the skin, almost religiously. Then, he took out his tongue to lick the area, savoring the texture with his tongue.

"Aa… Ahhhhh… Mmmm L-Long Youuuu…"

Junjie was writhing underneath him.

The grip on Long You's hair had loosened as Junjie instead held his collar, as if holding for his dear life.

Long You was planning to lick that place once again, when he heard the sound of footsteps.

Both of them froze in place.

A bodyguard, disguised as a normal passerby, walked through the parking lot. He was assigned by Fang Bai to look after Fang Junjie. 15 minutes ago, he had stayed at the entrance of the lift because Mr. Junjie was with Mr. Long. However, much time had passed without any movement from the cars in the area.

Coincidentally, Mr. Fang Bai had also asked him to check on his older brother, and see if he had gotten into any trouble.

Casually thinking such things in his head, he walked near the car. But then, he froze at the view in sight.

Mr. Long had his back towards the windshield as he covered Mr. Junjie. Both of them seemed to be hostile towards his glance. What was happening seemed pretty obvious from the way that Mr. Long's collar seemed to be torn, and his hair was messy. Pretending as if he was just a passerby who stumbled upon the scene by mistake, he continued to walk forward, this time with a faster pace.

Oh, how he wished he could run.

After he walked a certain distance, he looked at the incoming call of Mr. Fang on his phone. He seemed to be in great difficulty once again.

What will he report to the other?

He can't just say, 'Your brother is getting hot with his boyfriend in the car, and they even tore each other's collars'. Right?

In the car, looking at the strange man who seemed to have witnessed what they were doing, the hot atmosphere pretty much cooled down.

Fang Junjie was flustered as he did not know how he should interact with the other man. He had pretty much let go of his inhibitions during the moment, but now, he wanted to drown himself to prevent the awkward atmosphere.

Long You gritted his teeth secretly. 'That troublesome brother-in-law. I hope I can get rid of him completely. Maybe today I should make a call to my brother to capture this troublesome kid once he steps into the City V'. Since this was not the time to think about these things, he focused on making Fang Junjie comfortable first.

He did not know that he had a surprise waiting for him once he went home.

City V

In the large mansion, this time only Mr. and Mrs. Long were left. There were still some dried tear stains at the corner of Mrs. Long's eyes. The preparations had already been made, and now, it was time to leave.

Mrs. Long spoke, "I feel like I still haven't seen my children enough."

Mr. Long sighed lightly and patted her back. There was no less sorrow in his eyes.

"Xiao Ying and Jiao Jiao have gone to Xiao You's place. Fortunately I don't have to worry now that they will be with Long You."

Mr. Long also nodded. He said, "Xiao Lei will hopefully find his mate soon. We will extract our heart's blood after fighting that thing. I have already arranged the vessel."

"Good. We can also extract more if possible, just in case Xiao Ying and Jiao Jiao need them later." A mother's heart was the biggest. No one could deny that. Mr. Long nodded.

"Let's go now." Mrs. Long finally took the decision. Both of them transformed into their dragon forms — beautiful and huge. Briefly intertwining their necks and closing their eyes, they stepped back, and leapt up into the sky with great speed.

Under the moonlight, two large creatures flew towards the sea as they went up and up, looking smaller and smaller in the distance.

The sky was clear again.

Author's corner:

As for what the bodyguard reported to Fang Bai… *whistle*

Editor's note:

*silently watches Fang Bai in his master surveillance room; then slowly, silently, inches away.