He had no money!

Fang Bai and Tang Rong went to talk to others who were casually gathered around in the parking lot. As they walked close, they heard Rong Qing's exclamation.

"Why are the prices of these ice creams so high?!"

"The rates have almost doubled." Duan Wei nodded while peeling off an ice cream wrapper. He tasted it and his eyes lit up, "So tasty! I think Rong Rong will definitely like it."

"Really? Give me a taste."

Out of nowhere, Tang Rong suddenly popped out, scaring the two of them, and sucked the ice cream out of Duan Wei's hand.

"Not bad. I'll also have this." He spoke casually.

Duan Wei was a bit proud after hearing this.

"I also want to taste the strawberry popsicle." Rong Qing looked at the two oblivious crackheads, purposely walked closer to the two, and attempted to taste the popsicle in AWei's like Tang Rong did. Duan Wei quickly stretched his hand out of her reach.

"No… I don't want your mouth's bacteria on them."

"So Rong Rong's mouth didn't have any bacteria?" Rong Qing asked in a sarcastic tone, to which she got a collective reply.

"This is family privilege."

"Because he is my family."

Rong Qing deliberately 'hmphed' and motioned towards Fang Bai. "Then let him also taste the ice cream. He is also your family."

Duan Wei was a bit relieved that it was Xiao Bai, but he didn't know why he still felt reluctant looking at the ice cream that had been tasted by Tang Rong. He did not want to admit this, but he was reluctant even for Xiao Bai.

But, contrary to everyone's expectations, Fang Bai- the "family" rolled his eyes and made a *disgusted.jpg* expression at the popsicle and quickly scampered away in the direction of the head bodyguard, Li Muyang.

Words were redundant in this situation. Tang Rong and Duan Wei simply pretended to look for another strawberry popsicle. Rong Qing heartily enjoyed their red ears.

Rong Qing sometimes couldn't understand what was going on in these two people's minds. They obviously had feelings for each other, but why were they still so oblivious?

She couldn't understand their bond since she had just been with them for about two to three years, but Fang Bai grew up with both of them, knew the situation.

Duan Wei and Tang Rong grew up together, and were just too used to being with each other.

For them, the most important human on Earth is each other, then second were Fang Bai and Junjie, who are their family, and the whole world came later.

Maybe they think that everything intimate they do is a very natural behavior between them as best friends. Or maybe they think that the other person thinks like that, so they deliberately act ignorant to not spoil the current situation.

At the end of the day, they were adults, so they couldn't really act all blind for their whole life. They definitely knew what was going on more than anyone else.

Fang Bai felt that time would ultimately make them realize everything. They were not going anywhere and would be together for a lifetime(he could bet that) even without being in a proper "lovers" relationship. It was complicated, yet too simple. Arguably, they already were in a relationship, and only the level of their relationship needed to be upgraded.

And that depends on them, simple.

Fang Bai approached Li Muyang, who was looking at something in his phone while finishing his popsicle; the other person immediately looked up at him without any surprise, as if he had eyes on his head.

"Fa-... Sir, are we going to directly go to City V, or should we stay in City S for some time?" Li Muyang kept his phone in the pocket and asked Fang Bai.

To visit City V, one had to cross through City S, which was a small city. Though its size according to the area was not small, it was sparsely populated, and mostly focused on agricultural activities. There were just two or three famous tourist areas which developed into populated cities. So, the roads were pretty wide and less curvy. If they directly headed to City V, they could reach their booked villa by night time.

Fang Junjie had actually booked a villa for all of them in advance so that they would get some private space after all the traveling and busy schedule.

"No, let's first go to City V. It would be more comfortable to stay in a villa than a hotel." Fang Bai considered for a moment and spoke. Li Muyang nodded.

"Where are Li Jin and Mo Ning?" Fang Bai looked around and asked.

"They're in the next car. Li Jin said he wanted to get something from the bags; ANing and Daiyu are helping him." Li Muyang pointed at the car behind his.

Li Daiyu was sitting in the front seat of the car while eating ice-cream. Everyone had pretty much understood her solitary nature, though they often actively tried to bond with her and not let her feel unwelcomed. This time, Li Daiyu seemed to be talking to someone on the backseat- possibly Li Jin or Mo Ning.

Mo Ning's social skills could be easily seen as one could always hear him saying words that even made the usually quiet Li Jin laugh and talk pleasantly.

Fang Bai took out an azure and brown ice cream for himself from the ice box, and another famous strawberry ice cream for Li Jin.

"What flavor would ANing like?" He casually asked Li Muyang who raised his eyebrows and smirked, "Chocolate."

Fang Bai tried his best to not roll his eyes and walked to the car with the ice creams.

Mo Ning was helping Li Jin find something out of his too many bags. He often raised his eyebrows at the things that seemed to be just too much for a car trip!

Why did this guy bring gas masks?! And why are all the things packed like this? He couldn't even see the color of most of the things. What the hell would need to be so secretive?

"Did you find the blue pendrive?" Li Jin's busy voice sounded from behind him with the rustling of bags.

"No, I just found another brown one!" Mo Ning spoke. Somehow, the paper bag in which Li Jin kept the pendrives got torn, and as a result, they were scattered here-and-there. "Oh god, Li Jin, why did you bring so many pen drives? These are too many!"

"I saw a website that mentioned all the things that could be needed for a road trip. They said that the journey would be very boring so you should keep something for entertainment with you. The brown pen drives contain many famous English songs. If you like… you can use this." Li Jin laughed sheepishly. "Oh right, I almost forgot the pendrive connector. Duan Wei might need it."

Mo Ning again raised his eyebrows and shook his head helplessly. He couldn't guess if this guy was too naive, or simply a squeamish fellow who had never faced any hardship. Though, his gut feeling told him this guy was not a vain person.

Whatever, road trips mean adventure! You can't bring your whole house with you and call it an adventure.

"Look at the bag on the right, I see something blue flashing." A calm and low female voice interrupted his thoughts.

Li Daiyu was chill as always. She simply did not bother to waste her brain on things that had nothing to do with her work. Her work is actually something else, but for now, she is a bodyguard. For two days.

She is responsible to keep everyone safe, so she will do it. The client thinks that this strange boy is safe, then he IS safe. Over.

Beating people was actually more interesting.

"Yeah, it is a blue pendrive!" Mo Ning exhaled, "Wait, are these antiseptics?" He asked when he found a familiar smell from the bag.

"T-they, are for… for… mountain climbing! Nothing, I just thought we would need them." Li Jin answered awkwardly. This is why he tried to pack all the things in colored bags. How could he answer all those questions?

"Thanks for helping me find the pendrives, Mo Ning and Li Daiyu. I think we should now eat the cream. Everyone must be waiting for us." Li Jin quickly changed the topic to divert the attention of this curious fellow. He was a nice person, but just too curious.

"Yes, let's go." Mo Ning nodded.

As they got out of the car, they found Fang Bai already walking towards them with ice creams in hand.

"You found what you were looking for?" He asked as he handed them the popsicle.

Li Jin nodded but his eyes were on the cool ice cream in his hand. It had been so long, he had completely forgotten how these tasted.

Mo Ning looked visibly satisfied with the chocolate popsicle. Li Jin curiously first observed the color of the strawberry popsicle, and cautiously put it in his mouth like Mo Ning did.

Tasting the sweet and tangy strawberry flavor, his eyes lit up. This taste is heavenly!

'I want more!'

So, on the rest of the journey, while Duan Wei and others were blown away by the insane variety of novels in the drive, Li Jin just seemed to endlessly ask for ice creams. He either slept, or found any new flavor of ice cream to try.

In the end, Fang Bai had to ban him from eating cold things, while trying not to look at the cute aggrieved expression of the other person. Li Jin couldn't say no to such a good natured young guy who was so good to him. Fang Bai was the most kind person he had ever seen!

But he still wanted to eat the ice cream…

Li Jin even thought that he would sneak out and eat something when the car would stop. But he got no chance! The car only stopped once at lunch!

When did they all plan to directly reach City V by evening?!

And, even when he found a chance to sneak out, he realized that he was broke. He had already spent all his money. Too miserable!