

Do not push your limits while reading something that scares you. If you still want to read, and are scared of all the gore scenes(example in this chapter), comment. I will then try to issue a small warning just before the scene starts.



Fang Bai choked on these words. Since he could not see Long Lei, a strange kind of urge was growing in his heart.

"Where are you?" He asked.

He wanted to see this person with his own eyes. More than 'where', Fang Bai wanted to ask the man- 'Who are you? Are you even real?'

But reason got him sober for a moment and he decided to ask the other person's location.

Long Lei heard the question and immediately remembered that he needed to meet Fang Bai to know him properly. But his location, it was nowhere in the midst of the raging ocean. His only stable location was back in City V. But, what if City V was far from Fang Ba? Maybe he should just ask Fang Bai's address and go there.

"I- Tell me your location" Long Lei blurted out, and realized that it sounded rude. "I mean, I will come to you."

Fang Bai patiently listened to these words and involuntarily smiled as he realized that Lei also wanted to meet him. Lei did not know that he had traveled to his city to find him. A mischievous thought came to his mind.

How would Lei react when he found he was so close to him?

"I am in City V, Lei." Fang perked his ears to hear any reaction from Long Lei.

"What?! City V?" Long Lei almost jumped on his spot when he heard this. Was his mate living in his city all these years? A fire almost flew out of his mouth in agitation. But, he had searched almost every inch of the city in the last few years. How can this be possible?

"Yeah, you live there, right?" Fang Bai spoke innocently. His ears were all red, he heartily enjoyed this animated conversation with Lei.

"Yes, my house is there… But… forgive me if I couldn't find you, I was looking for you outside all these years." Lei was confused but he still apologized to Bai. He did not know that every word he spoke made Xiao-Bai's heart thump more and more.

"So you are not in City V right now?" Fang Bai asked gloomily. "My friends and I are here on a trip for a few days."

Long Lei understood Fang Bai's words. "No, no, no, I am just nearby, just two hours away from my home. Don't worry. Tell me your location, I will immediately find you in less than 2 days, Bai." He was not lying. It will just take two hours for him to reach his house in City V. First, he was in the ocean, and he didn't need to control his power while flying as he did near human settlements. Second, his house was just on a cliff near the coast. It was the easiest path for him.

"Oh, I am currently living in the Northeast of City V, villa number 8, BlueMoon Community…" Fang Bai spoke these words and patiently waited for Long Lei's reaction.

'Will fate somehow make them neighbors?' He giddily thought. But, he forgot that fate's favorite game was to play with him.

He got no reaction.


His heart thudded, did Lei even hear his words? An unsettled feeling started forming in the pit of his stomach.

His smile almost faded away when he heard an unclear, high pitched, shout-like voice. "Gotcha! See you there in two days Xiao-Bai!" The voice then faded away and his inner world returned to silence.

Fang Bai heaved a sigh of relief and put his hand on his fast-beating heart.

Then he realized he was awake.

Fang Bai immediately got alerted when he found himself on an unfamiliar bed. He slowly remembered that it was the villa booked by Junjie. But, who tucked him in? Few faded memories returned to his mind and he remembered the scenes of a strange thing blasting in the sky and him suddenly losing consciousness.

Fang Bai got out of the bed and looked around the room. Wasn't his room locked? Why was the lock open?

He turned the doorknob and walked out of the room. The hallway was empty, but some sounds were coming out of Tang Rong's room. He wondered if everyone was there. He slowly walked there and pushed open the door. The scene that he saw inside made his steps pause and he stood there, open-mouthed like a monkey.



Li Jin was pacing around the house, looking for more ice packs for Tang Rong. It was 10:30 PM already and everyone else's fevers had gotten down. Duan Wei and Rong Qing had already woken up and they were also looking after the others in the house.

The lady cook and one helper had already mutated into a zombie; they were safely tied. He was not going to kill them as one thing he had learned was to disguise his lethality between unfamiliar people and in unfamiliar situations. He was going to let the boys make the decision, maybe it will also train them according to the apocalypse.

As he had expected, Duan Wei and Rong Qing were very panicked when they realized the situation of everyone and the zombies. Especially when they saw the female cook transform into a zombie in front of their own eyes. But thankfully, they were not foolish to untie the undead. Li Jin also had to act a bit like he just woke up, to avoid being questioned.

The bodyguards were fine, but asleep. He wondered that if a person was not treated with medicine they would take more time, almost 24 hours to wake up, like him in his last life. Others like Duan Wei, Rong Qing and Fang Bai would wake up sooner. It was almost time, maybe Fang Bai will also come out of his room anytime.

All the people other than Tang Rong had already gotten better from fever. Tang Rong's situation was similar to a person before turning into a zombie, but based on his previous life, it was unlikely to happen. So he was a little calm. But Duan Wei and Rong Qing, who knew that the cook had a similar high level fever before turning, were clearly freaked out.

Li Jin had raided a medical shop during the day, but since he was alone, and had no knowledge of medicines, it took a lot of time for him to study some medical bills there and find out useful medicines. After that, he went to a supermarket and got many things back in the half-full car. He looked at the advertisement boards and also remembered to get female hygiene things for Rong Qing, and Li Daiyu.

Though, he still did not reveal this to anyone. The materials were still in the store room of the garage, and their keys were with him. He only put some selective necessary items in the medicine box of the villa. Now, these young people would at least have to think for a bit before using the resources on someone. This will also be a test of their friendship.

In Tang Rong's room, Duan Wei was pacing around Tang Rong's bed. He paced around two to three times and then went to Tang Rong's side. "Rong Rong, wake up soon. Don't scare me." He knew it was dumb to talk to an unconscious person, but ever since he knew Tang Rong, he believed that Rong Rong always hears him. There is no way that Rong Rong will ever ignore him. Rong Qing had gone to take a bath and he was alone in the room with the sick Tang Rong. Because of the unending silence, his nerves were getting tense each passing minute.

The scene of that helper turning into an undead flashed in front of his eyes. How that man's eyes rolled back while his head was burning crazily in fever. How that poor man started vomiting until just blood came out of his mouth. Then his eyes rolled around crazily until he seemed to turn blind. Then, like a feral animal, that man started biting with his jaws in his and Rong Qing's direction. It seemed like he just wanted to bite a piece of their flesh.

Duan Wei also could not forget the scene Li Jin showed him outside the window. Many people like the helper ran around in the streets, and one even started tearing the neighborhood gardener's neck's flesh with his mouth. Like hyenas, they chewed on the poor man, until… The poor man also woke up, still with half of his neck chewed off. He growled in an inhumanely voice and started wandering around like the other undeads.

Duan Wei placed a hand on Tang Rong's head, trying to lower the burning temperature. "Wake up, Rong Rong. Who else do I have other than you?" (This heartless man clearly forgot his family.)

"Do you want to see me sad? You know what, the whole world outside has changed. People are turning into inhumane creatures. They are eating each other's flesh! Don't turn into such a person Rong Rong." Duan Wei's hand moved until it was on Tang Rong's hot cheek. He slowly caressed the hot piece of skin. A storm was brewing in his heart, filled with different feelings. He did not know other feelings, but he could identify anger among them. He was angry at Tang Rong.

"Why the hell are you not waking up?" He stood up furiously.


"You don't want to accompany me?"


"Do you want me to replace you with someone?"

Tang Rong's lips suddenly moved faintly. 'Was he going to vomit?' Duan Wei was almost scared out of his wits. But then, Tang Rong's body did not show any movement for a long time. Was Rong Rong listening to his words? Duan Wei thought about this for a long time until he suddenly increased his voice.

"You're frickin scaring me?!!! You think you are not replaceable. If you turn into a zombie, I will find another best friend to be with. Forget getting a best friend, I will even get myself a boyfriend. If YOU can get yourself a boyfriend, then why can't I? Just wait till you turn into a zombie. I-... I will get myself a HAREM! Of pretty boys."

(Author: This guy is bragging too much. But he does have a delicious body.)

Tang Rong's hand was twitching. Duan Wei saw this and got excited.

"If you don't wake up in 15 seconds, I will kiss another guy!" Duan Wei did not think anything before blurting out these threatening words. He realized that he might make a fool of himself if he didn't kiss anyone by then. But he is ready to try anything as long as Rong Rong wakes up.

"Fifteen" No reaction.

"Fourteen" No reaction.

"Thirteen" No reaction.

"Three" No reaction. Duan Wei's heart was beating very slowly. He gulped slightly and kept on counting.

"Two" No reaction. He was sweating all over. Tang Rong's temperature was not decreasing at all.

"One!" Just as Duan Wei spoke, the door behind him opened and closed. He turned around and saw Li Jin holding a medicine box and looking at him with a confused face.

"Here, let me keep my words." Duan Wei took a last look at Tang Rong and spoke.

He did not know what he thought, but he walked to Li Jin, held the boy's waist, and aimed at those two pink petals. He ignored the other guy's shocked gaze and the medicine box that fell on the ground and focused on slowly rubbing his own lips against the other, until the other person dazedly opened up his mouth and started responding. By now, Duan Wei was hooked deep in.

Li Jin had just walked into the room when Duan Wei walked towards him, held his waist, and kissed him. He at first was very confused about the situation, but then he felt the soft and caring velvety touch on his lips and he forgot everything. He had had many kisses, but this one was really different. He liked it. There was nothing wrong in kissing someone if the kiss is interesting, he thought.

Duan Wei did not know what happened after that, but he was suddenly awakened by the sticker that was thrown at his back, and the familiar voice that seemed to make his heart come alive.

"Son of a b*tch!" Tang Rong cursed out in the silent room. A smile formed on Duan Wei's face as he realized Tang Rong was awake. He did not realize the situation by now.

"F*ck!" But then, a second, very very familiar voice sounded from behind him.

Duan Wei moved his neck so fast that he almost cracked it. There stood Fang Bai at the door, looking at him with a dumbfounded face.