
The days when Tang Rong found a boyfriend out of nowhere were definitely not the best memories for Duan Wei. Four out of seven days a week, Tang Rong would not stay at home and would live with his boyfriend. In university, Tang Rong would sometimes vanish without any reason and then come back after a long time.

Despite having Fang Bai's and Fang Junjie's company, Duan Wei felt so lonely like he never felt.

Then one day, Tang Rong came back and casually said that he had broken up. That one casual sentence made Duan Wei feel like a ray of light had finally entered his dark world. He did not know why he was feeling like that, maybe because he was used to the presence of Tang Rong, or something else, but he realized how dark his life was without his best-friend.

When he heard Tang Rong say that he would no longer reject relationships, Duan Wei felt like some blazing lava was poured on his heart.

Duan Wei was feeling so stuffy in his heart that he couldn't even express it in words. He knew Tang Rong was not an impulsive person; his words definitely had some degree of truth in them when he said he would not avoid getting into any relationship after this. But, he did not want to get separated from Rong Rong in any possible way. He wanted Rong Rong to be with him all the time, possibly for the whole lifetime. Was there a way to do that? Was there a way to make Tang Rong exclusively 'his'? And, was his possessiveness normal?

Duan Wei observed those beautiful brown eyes for a few moments and ignored the last question. Nothing has ever been normal in their family, so thinking about this was pointless.

He thought of something and pushed Tang Rong back towards the bed. He will never allow Tang Rong to separate from him.

Tang Rong lost his balance and fell back on the messy blankets, off-guard. The angry and confused look on Duan Wei's face gave him an almost twisted satisfaction. He never imagined that he would do such shady things with the person he liked.

'This is how I felt when I saw you and some other guy kissing. But, you might never feel the way I do', he thought in self-depreciation. Out of the four of them in their family, Duan Wei had the cleanest heart of them all. Duan Wei never showed interest in any guy and most probably, he was not gay. If he suddenly confessed to the latter, the other might force himself and become his boyfriend without minding his own feelings. He(TR) did not want to take advantage of the other's dependence, and force Duan Wei into being his boyfriend. So he waited patiently, hoping that Duan Wei would also start liking him.

But, although he had patience, his tolerance had limits, and today, he was very very displeased. He wanted to say a few more poisonous words to provoke Duan Wei but the latter suddenly leaned down, and with arms on both sides of Tang Rong, spoke in a low, deep voice, "I kissed another guy, and made you feel really awful, especially when you are not in good health. You rolled on bed with that ex-boyfriend of yours and I also felt lonely and sad. So, can we take everything as neutral?"

Duan Wei knew that his voice was intimidating, and he purposefully did that. He didn't like to intimidate people closer to him, but he seemed to have no other choice to calm the emotionally unstable Tang Rong.

He stopped Tang Rong's angry comebacks while keeping a finger on the latter's lips. The latter angrily bit his finger, but he just wiggled it more deeper into that hot mouth and the protests slowly died.

Duan Wei continued, "I can prove to you that I was not in the right mind at the moment. But, you can punish me in any way as you want if I do anything like this again." He playfully entangled his index finger with that pink tongue and when he got bit once again, he realized that Tang Rong was getting annoyed. "Is it okay with you? Hmm?"

"Rr-o-kayy-" Tang Rong's voice was muffled because of the obstruction in his mouth. The irritation and anger in his heart was a little less; a little amount of sweetness leaked from the corners of his heart when he realized that Duan Wei was also very sad when he was not with the other. Though, the finger in his mouth reminded him of many unspeakable things and subconsciously, his body was getting hot. He gulped unknowingly and was attracted to the way Duan Wei's gaze lingered on his neck, longer than ever.

"Now I want to tell you about the situation outside", Duan Wei spoke. 'That neck is so beautiful', He thought at the same time. 'Is it okay to think this way?' What was happening to him? He withdrew his finger which had turned red in almost a rush, and got up from the position. The heat between their bodies slowly dissipated and brought cold air to their bodies. Duan Wei wiped his hand with the wipes on the nearby table, and subconsciously rubbed his itchy finger a few more times.

"Outside?" Tang Rong also got up with a sigh and spoke while arranging his clothes. His voice was a little deep which reminded Duan Wei that the other had a very dangerous fever some time ago.

"Yeah… Did you know you fainted? Everyone had fainted at that time. It was Li Jin who picked us up and brought us back to our beds." Duan Wei walked to Tang Rong and measured the other's temperature by keeping a hand on the latter's forehead. The latter obediently let him do it, which pleased him very much. The temperature had dropped but Tang Rong still had a mild fever. Another night of rest would make him fit and fine.

Tang Rong suddenly remembered the incident that had skipped out of his mind because of the excitement. "Yeah… I heard your fall and followed the sound…" Roaming his eyes on Duan Wei's body for possible signs of injuries, he murmured, "What happened AWei?"

"Um… Have you heard of zombies?" Duan Wei asked seriously.

Tang Rong's mind went blank for a moment. He could imagine what Duan Wei would say next, but his mind was screaming 'Impossible'. Duan Wei's grave expression stopped him from saying it out loud. Duan Wei seemed to have realized this, and he slowly got up and took Tang Rong to the glass window, carefully holding the latter by his shoulders.

As soon as the curtains were removed, Tang Rong got a clear view of what was happening in the street.