“AAAAHHhhhh… BAM!”

Fang Bai stood astonished when Li Jin casually told him the method of murdering someone. Well, technically, if that person was a zombie, they were already dead, how can anyone be so sure about it? What if that person was still alive?

The latter stood next to the zombie and poked it casually as if it was not a life threatening phenomenon, but a casual event in the day. Also, how could he be so knowledgeable about zombies?And he had almost no hesitation in killing a zombie. Li Jin was not a serial killer, as far as he knew from his sources, so how can he not hesitate at all?

While Fang Bai was thinking, he instinctively felt a danger behind him. It was confirmed when he saw Li Jin's panicked expression and watched the latter run in his direction. He(FB) was clearly not attentive during this time for someone to get so close to him. Fang Bai pressed a button on his watch and it turned into a handy knife.

Relying on his trained instincts, he moved sideways and evaded the hands with long black nails that had almost grabbed his neck. The owner of these hands was the female cook of the villa. A huge chunk of flesh was missing on that woman's neck, and her eyeballs were milky white. She roared animalistically when she realized she had missed her target.

Fang Bai could almost remember the woman's infectious smile. Now, that woman had turned into a crazy zombie and wanted to bite his flesh. Feeling somewhat gloomy, he swung the knife in the direction of the female zombie who once again reached out to scratch him.

Next, what happened, he himself did not know, but he knew that he was traumatized by it.

*Hum* He only saw a flash of white and suddenly the whole face of the zombie trembled. The scene looked too much gore, but in the end, the whole head of the female zombie was burnt and it fell on the ground, dead.

What the hell is happening? Can someone please tell me?

"Watch out!" The vase in Li Jin's hand dropped on the ground but he did not pay attention to it; he madly started charging in Fang Bai's direction. Each second felt like an eternity, but he was too late. Li Jin watched with wide eyes as the female zombie's claws reached Fang Bai's neck. In his presence a teammate of his was going to die. All the thoughts of hiding his strength had already left his body.

"No-!!" *hum* Li Jin stretched out his hand and a stream of white and blue electric current left his hands.

The zombie fell down on the ground with its head completely charred.

The door of the nearby room opened and Duan Wei and Tang Rong came one after another.

"Xiao Bai?!" Tang Rong looked dumbfounded at the fallen, or perhaps dead(?) people on the ground.

"Xiao Bai, are you fine? What-the-hell! What happened here? And Li Jin, how did they escape?" Duan Wei looked flabbergasted at the dead zombies.

Fang Bai got out of the shock and put a hand on his fast heartbeat. "I was just talking but these people suddenly wanted to… eat me. Li Jin says these people are zombies." He observed Tang Rong and Duan Wei; they looked quite normal, which was good.

"Yeah, I also found out about them after I woke up. Li Jin said that everyone had turned unconscious after the asteroid crashed. He was the first to wake up," Duan Wei looked cautiously in the direction of Li Jin. He hoped that Li Jin was not traumatized because of his reckless actions. Although it seemed the latter seemed to have already forgotten about it. Is he so unconcerned?

Pointing at the cook, Fang Bai spoke, "When she was attacking me, an electric current suddenly hit her, resulting in this. Li Jin, you saw this, right? Do you guys know anything about it?" Although, he was still bewildered. What could be the source of the white flash? Was it an electric current?

"An electric current? No, I don't have any idea about it." Duan Wei shook his head.

Tang Rong also acquiesced and bent down to observe the zombie. "The flesh is completely burnt. She really seems to have been burned by electricity. What could it be?" The atmosphere was strangely heavy. Tang Rong wanted everyone to relax a little. "They turned into zombies… and we aren't? Is there some criteria… any discrimination?"

Li Jin was already very confused; how can this guy even joke? He would definitely turn out to be a warrior, but right now, he was just a college student.

He did not get the reactions he expected from any of these people. All his plans of rescuing and guiding a bunch of scared college students to become warriors seemed to be already crumbling.

He hesitantly replied to the question which everyone tactically pushed onto him, "I don't know about the criteria, but these two had turned into zombies after a high fever. But we had tied them, how can they-?"

"Wait, the second helper! He must have untied them. And there are chances that he would get injured because of these… zombies. But Li Jin, didn't you say that…" Duan Wei's words got stuck in his throat.

"Yeah, he must have been zombified. I don't think he can open a closed room. Everyone other than us is in their rooms, right?" Li Jin began thinking of all the people who are missing.

A high pitched female shriek resounded in the villa.

"Oh- shoot!… Rong Qing!" Duan Wei exclaimed.

Almost immediately, the scream resounded once again, almost blowing up the house.

"AAAAHHhhhhhhhhhhh… BAM!" This silence was deafening.

*sharp inhale* (four people)

"f*ck!" (Tang Rong)

"Damn!' (Fang Bai)

"Sh*t!" (Duan Wei)

Everyone rushed toward the ground floor, where the sound came from.

When they reached the ground floor, next to the washroom, they saw a bloodied body on the ground. The body was bleeding from the neck and the stomach. The head of the person was blue-black, maybe because it got hit by something.

Soon, their attention was attracted to the person crouching not far away on the ground.

"Qing Qing!"

Hearing Duan Wei's voice, Rong Qing took out her tear-stained face and puffy eyes from between her legs. She immediately buried herself in Duan Wei's arms. Others quietly surrounded her.

They waited for her to finish another round of sobbing before Fang Bai decided to lighten the atmosphere. "Yo, you already killed him so why are you crying now? This is not how a murderer should behave, Miss Qing. Or else you might disgrace the whole murderer community."

Fang Bai deflected the fist that was thrown this way and continued, "Tsk tsk. Look at that poor zombie man. He was KOed in one hit on the head. We couldn't even do that. Ah, why are you crying? You should not care about these puny things at all."

"Shut up you acting queen!" Rong Qing finally revealed her red face from Duan Wei's arms and drank the glass of water offered by Tang Rong.

After wiping her face, she spoke in a low voice, "I murdered someone."

"These are not even humans. They are already dead. You are worrying too much." Tang Rong consoled her.

"But still…" Rong Qing wiped the traces of tears and got out of Duan Wei's arms. "Nevermind, I was just shocked."