
Chapter 11

Amelia's POV

I opened my eyes slowly turning away from the blinding light that was peeking through the window. Memories of last night came rushing back and a smile made its way on my face.

Heat rushing to my core as I remembered the feeling. I frowned looking around the room for Xavier but I came up unsuccessful. I got up yawning running my hand through the newly acquired bird nest on my head.

I opened the door and the smell of food hits me as I make my towards the kitchen to see Xavier placing a pancake on a plate with many others.

"Good morning baby girl." He greeted and my heart fluttered as I smiled watching him put the pan back on the stove.

"Good morning."

"You look absolutely beautiful." He commented amused and my eyes went wide as I imagined what I probably look like, I turned to leave but he pulls me towards him, my back pressed against his chest as he chuckled kissing my cheek.