Chapter 55

Alexandru Lascar, was sentenced twelve years in jail while Jessica was charged of murder and she was given a lifetime imprisonment. Juliette goes to meet her in the jail but hardly talks about her with me. She feels guilty that she should've thought about her parent's condition first before making a will. Meanwhile, I had finally chosen my future and decided on leaving the dark world for the sake of my family and my daughter. She made me stronger and her birth made me the happiest in the world. But somehow my roots to the dark world remained attached and I knew I could never get away from it but instead I made sure not to get myself involved in it anymore. Max got married to his girlfriend and had joined my company to work under me whereas Willi... he is nowhere to be found. He would contact me wanting to know how I was but then hang up and vanish away.

It seems he is leading the life that his wife had always wanted him live and I was happy for him.