Before the wedding
Yusuf POV
He was checking the papers on his table when his office door was yanked open abruptly.
His best friend- Royhan entered with a scowling face and muttering some harmless curses
under his breath yet he heard it perfectly.
He was surprised because his friend often curses. Something must have happened. He
chuckled lightly.
"What happened bro?" he asked him curiously with his brows knitted together.
Royhan raised his head up and said, "I met a devil in disguise today".
"Devil?" He asked while Royhan nodded comically as he held his red ear.
"I saw a beautiful lady this morning when I was coming. I was awestruck by her beauty, then I
wished to meet her and.." he stopped, looking embarrassed with a flustered face, " Then, I
followed her to the mall, waiting for her outside. On her way out, I talked to her and she abruptly
left me standing. Then I followed her to her car but mistakenly hit her on her butt. Sincerely, I