Chapter 22


Feeling emotional or physical numb or a general lack of emotions, it could cause a sense of

isolation or emotional disconnection from the rest of the world. The numbness could be

unbearable for many people who experienced it.

My therapist said many things about the numbness and shut down I was having.

She said I was physically and emotionally damaged because of the abuse I'd passed through.

Emotional damage could lead to someone to have anxiety, fear, guilt, shame, self blame,

withdrawal, sadness, hopeless, disconnected and numbed.

Physical damage could lead to insomnia, nightmare, racing of heartbeat, edginess and


Sometimes some events might trigger painful memories.

If you'd been traumatized, it could leave you struggling with upsetting emotions, memories and

anxiety wouldn't go away. It could leave you numb, disconnected and unable you to trust other


When bad things happened, it could take a while to get over the pain and feel safe again. But