Chapter 22

Kelvin's POV

"Kel my son you are finally here," I saw my mom coming towards us with a smile on her ever glowing face. That I tend to ignore the fact that she called me 'Kel' in public As she was dressed so beautifully like always.

I saw the old man beside her, who happen to be my father. I approached my mom as I gave her a side hug. I acknowledge my father with a nod that he returns.

Lillian was staring at me and my father intensively. I almost chuckled at the way her blue eyes shown as if their was a light bulb in her head. I stare at her full soft lip and saw the way her lip move as she pouted. I quickly clear my thoughts and immediately stop myself from admiring this crazy woman. Because it makes the issue with my little friend worse. he has been active for days now.

"You look stunning as always mom," I said to her trying to distract myself from staring at the crazy woman.