Chapter 1

I am in white space? And why am I here? I remember now, I was on a bus with my friends and I was sleeping. We were coming home from tour from England. My name is Mart… something? Suddenly there is a flash of light and gray figure is standing in front of me.

Hello Martin! I am avatar of god who manages over reincarnation over the multiverse.

(WTF are you serious, wait doesn't that mean I am dead. Ah yes my name is Martin.)

Yes, you are dead. And rest of your friends has already moved on do next circle of reincarnation.


But with you I have a problem?

(What now, please don't tell me I am going to get screwed? Just my luck?)

No is actually the opposite. You see in, your previous reincarnations you had collected monstrous amount of karma and only spent little under 1% of it in your last 4000 life's. I was going to ask if you want to spend any of it for benefits for your next life.

(Are you messing with me?)

No, I am not.

(There must be a catch somewhere?)

Well, more karma you spend more profit I get of course.

(But why didn't previous version of me use it up already?)

Well they did, but it's simply so much that that you can life happily many benefits for internally. For some reason you previous self-wanted to live simple life and forgot about all the previous life's.

That's why you don't remember about your past lives. He even paid so you can't recall them, to permanently forget them. That's where 0.2% of your karma was paid.

I think he got tired of it and that's why he desires to forget.

(Okay so what benefits can I get?)

Essentially you can select what world you can reborn into and what time you reincarnate into. Also you can choose what abilities you can wish to get.

(Any universe, even from movies and manga?)

Essentially yes!

(Ok then I want to be born in world of The Second Coming of Gluttony near the house of Seol Jihu during the same time when he was born.)

Ok that's fine. Now what abilities do you want?

(I want a system to help myself and I want complete control over it)

Ok this ability is not quite overpowered due you still want it?

(Of course and do remove any limitation on the system and the body you give me. Also as I will be born from infancy I want you to change my looks and make me look even better than the LUCIFER himself ok)

Ok anything else?

(Yes do keep my memories intact for me as I still need them also remove any signs of our interaction as I don't want the people of paradise or the martial god to know that you are related to me in any ways.)

Hmmm but why if you do that I won't be able to brag about you to my friends.

[Martin has a sweat drop on his face]

(Do not worry after I become strong enough to protect myself then you can brag all you want.)


Ok fine but don't you dare go back on your words.

(Ok I martin swear on my soul and power granted to me that I will not go back on my words that I have said to my big brother right now.)

Hunh! You did you just call me your big brother?

(Yes is there any problem with that? If then do tell me as I never had any one to care for me you are the only one who has shown me care and love even though only for my karma but I am still grateful for it)

[God has tears when he sees martin]

Of course not rather I am just too happy to finally have a family as I exist even before the primal chaos and although I am not the strongest but still one of the oldest god's and whenever I reincarnate someone He/She just ask me for abilities and go away as if I am some kind of NPC whose job is to just provide some power's and then his job is over and they never come back and thank me for it.

You are the first one to call me family so I was just too much happy. Now then little brother what else do you want to get me more sister in law's. And don't be shocked as I can easily know the reasons as to why you want those looks.

[Embarrassed](I want to change my name to Lucifer Morningstar and that's it.)

Fine then from now on your name shall be Lucifer Morningstar and my name as your big brother shall be Michael Morningstar. Hope you will have a nice time little brother.

[Well then see you later onii-chan]