Everyone formed the same sort of surprised expressions once they exited from the theatre and took in the sights unfolding before their eyes.
The so-called Neutral Zone reminded one of a super-massive department store with its spectacular interior. The ground floor was shaped in a huge circle, and wherever they looked, they could find lounges and shops as well as other facilities. And none here could even start figuring out just how many floors, interconnected with spiraling staircases, there were above their heads.
They couldn't exit from the Neutral Zone yet, but it wasn't hard to imagine how this place might've looked from the outside – like the legendary Tower of Babel, a tall and round tower.
Lucifer found an empty chair inside one of the ground floor's lounges and settled down to survey the area around him. The most eye-catching object within this 'lobby' was a giant noticeboard set up next to a fountain in the middle of the floor. On this board, there were countless pieces of paper that resembled paper talismans stuck to it. And a healthy crowd of people had gathered in front.
He was initially thinking of leaving the Neutral Zone right away. Since he already possessed the qualifications, he believed that there was no real need to waste his time here. However, he then thought of going to the Mission board and get that top level mission to complete so that he can get free VIP store coupon to use.
Then he would buy one of everything and if it still remained less he could just do some high pay missions and earn the necessary survival points to buy things from the VIP store.
He then directly went to the top floor to get the VIP store Pamphlet since he needed that to get an approx idea of all the things that he needed to buy.
He then thought of the Note from the guide and then opened it to see exactly what it contained.
—A Note from the Guide (49/50)
1. Advice to remember when in the Neutral Zone
Do you wish to quickly increase your physical level?
Why not use the special 'Competence'?
Available in: the VIP store
Only now did he remember that potion which could be sold outside the neutral zone so as to gain contact's for himself and maybe even some beauties.
The VIP store was located on the eighth floor. When he pushed the door open, he found a small room, a counter, and a maid sitting behind it. Her eyes grew wide as soon as she saw him.
"Oh, my apologies. I didn't expect to see a survivor to enter through those doors so soon…. Are you perhaps here to window shop?"
"Is this the VIP store?"
"If you wish to purchase an item, please enter through here."
The maid pointed towards a small door to her side. It seemed that there was another room behind the one they were in.
"Unfortunately, it isn't possible to window shop in this store. You also need a minimum of 30,000 SP to enter, as well. If you're curious about the products available in here then here you can see this pamphlet "
*Greetings to you!
The Neutral Zone operates a very special store for those of you with plenty of Survival Points burning a hole in your pocket!
The VIP store possesses three distinct characteristics that separate it from other stores within the Zone:
Firstly, this is a very unique store created through the combined guidance of the seven deities.
Secondly, the products from this store won't be restocked ever again once it's been purchased.
And finally, the number of people who have used the services of this store can be counted on one hand.
Although the pricing on each item might be unimaginably high, we can confidently guarantee their effects.
The following are the list of items purchasable from the VIP store.
We eagerly look forward to your patronage, so see you soon!
—VIP Item List
1. Ambrosia: 30,000 SP each, x2
2. Pneuma's Sky Boots: 50,000 SP per pair, x1
3. Moirai's Souvenir: 600,000 SP, x1
4. Miyal's Branding Iron: 100,000 SP, x1
5. Divine Elixirs: 30,000 SP each – Strength x1, Endurance x1, Agility x2, Stamina x2, Magic x1, Luck x3
6. The Divine Stigmata: 300,000 SP, x1
7. The Seed of the World Tree: 400,000 SP, x1
8. Sidus's Divine Strength: 80,000 SP, x1
9. Aphrodite's Sedge: 150,000 SP each, x5
10. Psychi's Tears: 250,000 SP, x1
"And what about competence do you have that here as well since it is mentioned in here?"
She spotted a piece of paper gripped in his hand and an unreadable light flickered in her eyes.
"Ah~ of course. The Guide's…. Well, then. The story changes a little bit in that case. Please give me the note."
After receiving the Guide's note, she opened up the huge closet right behind her. The interior of this
wooden closet was packed full with rows upon rows of adult finger-sized potion bottles.
The maid pulled one out and placed it on the counter. Seol stared at this small bottle containing a milky white substance.
"You will also find Competence in the regular stores down below. However, they pale in comparison to the ones found in this VIP store – the price, the effects, etc."
"What differences are there?"
"Mm…. Well, the most expensive Competence you can find in the regular stores is priced at 250 SP. Its effects last for 12 hours. The maximum amount of boost you will receive is four times the normal. That's not so bad if you consider the cost-effectiveness. Don't you agree?"
"Oh, you meant the VIP store's? There isn't even a need to say it out loud becuase the potion's effects and its duration are doubled. For a low, low price of 400 SP, the duration lasts for 24 hours while you receive eight times the boost! Training one single day will give you the same results as training for eight days straight, guaranteed."
Lucifer had to wonder whether he made a mistake when he thought the tone of her voice shifted subtly as if to ask, 'You'll buy it, right? You will definitely buy it after this sales pitch, right?'
"Also, not everyone can buy one. There are even restrictions placed where one needs to bring along these 'notes' from the Guide. That's just in case an Invited hears of the potion's existence before arriving at the Neutral Zone."
"Will you buy one?"
The maid placed both of her hands on her waist and confidently asked him.
Lucifer then went to his room after buying one competence which was provided to the top ranker.
The floor space of the so-called room was as wide open as an ocean; so much so, he couldn't even figure out how big this place was. And as his eyes took in the many luxurious paintings and sculptures decorating the walls and pockets of space, as well as the gorgeous chandelier hanging high in the ceiling.
He had clapped his eyes on something this grand only through the magic of the internet. As a comparison, probably the legendary Ambassador Suite of Brunei's Empire Hotel – supposedly there were only two such rooms in the world – would be able to rival the level of opulence seen here.
Lucifer took his time checking out this room that was obviously far too large to be called a mere room, before sitting down on the edge of the equally-too-large-for-one-person bed and decided to relax for a bit.
He then with help of his system created aroom similar to this one in his subspace for future use although he still had no idea how he would design his house he left that idea for his future wife's.
After doing this he created an habitable area with plains stretching as far as the eyes can see then he made a factory and created a lot of robots to work in that factory.
He then also created an A.I. which would stay loyal to him at same time can learn about anything in this whole multiverse if given enough time he then named the A.I. as Diablo as he could not think about anything else.
Then Diablo started working and asked me "Lord Lucifer what orders do you have for me ?"
"Listen Diablo I want you to scan this potion and start working on replicating this and i am leaving a clone of myself here so that if you need anything just ask him and he will do it for you and in future i shall bring many other things so be sure to create many of everything so that we can train my army to the very best ok?"
"Yes Lord lucifer your wish is my command"