Chapter 12

Then the next day he after asking around he finally found his way to the haramark royal palace once inside he asked for an audience with the king of haramark. After showing that he was affiliated with cinzia he was easily allowed an audience with the king.

Once Lucifer went inside, he was able to see a young woman wearing a pink dress, as well as a middle-aged man sitting on a throne being attended by two maids.

'So that's….'

He met the middle-aged man's calm eyes that also seemed to carry a spark of fire. He had blonde hair and beard, which was groomed neatly.

Prihi Hussey, the king of Haramark, one of the seven kingdoms that survived the foreign races' invasion.

"Are you the human named Lucifer Morningstar?"


"Well than what work do you have here or are you here on behalf of Cinzia?"

When he asked this he thought that he was just a human who was working under Cinzia. But boy was he so wrong and as if reading his thoughts Lucifer spoke.

"Nope i do not work under her but rather she lost from me in a bet in the neutral zone and is just my backer i am here on my on for some business with the king and princess of Haramark so i do hope that i can talk to the both of you alone"

Hearing that he was not working under Cinzia he was quite shocked and when he heard that the calculative and cautious Cinzia had lost a bet with the person in front of him he was quite interested with what business he had with him so he clapped his hands all the people present in the hall leaving only the three of them behind then without saying much he brought out 2 bottles of competence from his bag and gave each to the both of them and said that he needed the permission to explore the forbidden area 'Forest of Denial' in exchange of 50 bottles.

They were quite shocked to hear that he wanted to trade 50 bottles of competence for just a permission but he then something which caused steam to come out of the face of teresa while Prihi was just chuckling from the side lines and finally accepted his request.

Then on the next day he left Haramark and left for the forest of denial. After entering he was attacked by many different beasts and he whenever killed them would just make them his shadow soldier with his class of shadow monarch and unlimited summoning and storage capacity then he then reaches the tomb and opens it and enters the tomb and the gates of the tomb close on its own.

He is then attacked by the ghost of the saintess but before she could attack him he released his aura of shadow monarch causing the ghost to shudder and then he spoke the key words "ARISE" causing the ghost of the saintess to materialize and then became her shadow he then just stored her inside his shadow and took away each and everything from inside the tomb and sent it to Diablos to scan and mass produce them.

He then reached the body of saintess and created a coffin of eternity(from against the gods) and then restored her body to its prime and stored it inside the coffin and sent it to his subspace thinking that later he might give her original body if she ever wanted and then came out of the tomb and scanned the barrier and created a talisman that would help the one who had it to travel inside the barrier without any problem.

He then created his army of shadow soldiers.

List of Shadow Soldiers

§ Igris (Marshal Grade)

§ 100 Shadow Infantry (Elite Grade)

§ 100 Shadow Magicians (Elite Grade)

§ 1000 Shadow Monsters (Elite Grade)

§ Tank (Commander Grade) (Ice Bear Leader)

§ Iron (Tank Class)(Commander Grade)

§ Shadow High Orcs (A-Ranked Gated)(Knight Grade)

§ Tusk (Commander Grade, Boss of High Orcs A-Ranked Gate)

§ Kaisel (Wyvern)(Elite Grade)

§ Shadow Ant Army(Elite Grade)

§ Beru (Marshal Grade)

§ Jima (Commander Grade)

§ 29 Elite Giants (No.6, The Captain of the Giant Corps)

§ Kamish (Grand Marshal Grade)

§ Greed (Marshal Grade)

§ 100,000 soldiers (Elite Knight Grade) (True Shadow Legion)

§ Belion (Grand Marshal Grade)

§ Ashborn - The King of the Dead

§ Sung Jin-Woo - The King of the Dead (Supreme Marshal Grade)

§ Baran - The King of Demons (Supreme Marshal Grade)

§ 100,000 Soldiers (True Demon Army) (Including Grand Marshal Grade Generals)

§ Legia - The King of Giants (Supreme Marshal Grade)

§ 100,000 Soldiers (True Giant Army) (Including Grand Marshal Grade Generals)

§ Luvon - The King of Snow Folk (Supreme Marshal Grade)

§ 100,000 Soldiers (True Elves Army) (Including Grand Marshal Grade Generals)

§ Sharyu - The King of Beasts (Supreme Marshal Grade)

§ 100,000 Soldiers (True Beast Army) (Including Grand Marshal Grade Generals)

§ Querehsha - The Queen of Insects (Supreme Marshal Grade)

§ 100,000 Soldiers (True Insect Army) (Including Grand Marshal Grade Generals)

§ Yogumunt - The King of Demonic Spectres (Supreme Marshal Grade)

§ 100,000 Soldiers (True Ghost Army) (Including Grand Marshal Grade Generals)

§ Tishak - The King of Monstrous Humanoids (Supreme Marshal Grade)

§ 100,000 Soldiers (True Monstrous Humanoids Army) (Including Grand Marshal Grade Generals)

§ Antares - The King of Dragons (Supreme Marshal Grade)

§ 100,000 Soldiers (True Dragon Army) (Including Grand Marshal Grade Generals)

§ Flone (Knight Grade) (Ghost of The Saintess)