Episode 5

(About Fifth Scene)

In this scene Roy and Alan go where Mr. Wroth kidnapped Shuzi and torchred her but only for Shuzi Roy surrendered in the front of Alan and Mr. Wroth because he didn't want that Alan knews about his Powers and his past.

(Starting Fifth Scene)

Roy and Alan take Alex in the car and go home first. Roy go in the room with Alex and told to Alan to go and get some hot water for him. Roy take Alex on the bed and used Powers to heal him but Alex injure is not simple he was beated by a iron pole. So, Roy used his powers too much to heal him but spilt too much blood from his mouth and fall down suddenly Alan comes in the room and he see that Alex is better than first but he also see that Roy spilt blood from his mouth. Alan to Roy "Are you okay? Uh! How is it possible? How could you spilt blood?". Alan was confeused because after sometimes Roy is fine but now he spilt blood. Alex told to Alan that Roy has blood cancer and he can't walk too much and also he can't take anyone on his back so, he spilt too much blood. Roy to Alex "Alex! We have yo save Shuzi come on let's go". But Alex is not fine so, Alan said to Roy that he go with him to save Shuzi but Roy said him that he can't go with his because this is dangerous for him but Alan requested to Roy that he can fight with anyone for him. Alex said to Roy that if Alan can fight than we should take him with us. At the advised of Alex Roy give permission to Alan to go with us. Alex go in the store room and get some guns with him and also give a gun to Alan. After planing of fighting Roy waiting for Mr. Wroth's calls and he is right Mr. Wroth calls Roy and told if he wants to save his sister so, he have to surrender in the front army and Mr. Wroth. Roy and Alex with Alan go where the Mr. Wroth called them to come. But the Soldiers take the guns from Alan and Alex. Roy told the Soldiers that he will if they leave Alan and Alex but this is not the planning of Roy and Alex. The Soldiers hit the head of Alan and Alex and take them in car and leave them in the Highway. Mr. Wroth said to Roy "Roy! You are so smart but you saved your friends but How could you save yourself". The Soldiers hit on the head of Roy and he fell down and faint. When Roy woke up he see that he was binded with a chair and Shuzi sitting in the front of him. He looks happy after seeing Shuzi. But when Mr. Wroth comes and give order to his soldiers to beat Roy's sister like that Roy spilt everything about his Powers and The Black Spirits so, he looks unhappy and sad. He give a warning to Mr. Wroth if he beat his sister so, he will definetly died from Roy's hands.