The sun causing the leaves to dry, commuters are going to work, yellow cabs passing by, And Little children are playing at the park.

Akari was walking on the street wearing his earphones while listening to music on his way to school and then suddenly.

"My ball! someone pls pick my ball!" A random kid was running down the street.

"I'm going to be late *sigh*" Akari looks at his phone, then he hears the kid shouting.

"My ball pls someone gets it!"

"Here you go, buddy" Akari sees the balls coming towards his way, he immediately picks them up.

"Thank you, Mr.," the kid bow down his head*.

"You must be like playing basketball huh," Akari was smiling at the kid.

"Yep, haha. I love playing basketball. When I grow up I want to be like my brother" the kid replied with a joyous expression.

"Better chase your dream kid," Akari said.

"Uhm. I will haha." The kid is very thankful and happy.

"I'm gonna be late, "Akari notices the time. "bye-bye kid!" Akari rushedly runs his way to school.

"Bye, Mr." the kid was waving while saying goodbye "hmmm? wait a minute, it's the same uniform as big brother," "Is he in Sakurai high school too?"



Students in the hallway were laughing, energetic, talking to each other saying.

"Did you do your homework?"

"Let us go to the superstore together after school."

"Look at my new phone hehe,"

"You should focus on studying."

"What a busy day"

"Would you come with us later?"

"No, I have to study after school."

"This color is cute,"

"Yes, I think it matches your personality hahaha,"

"So, how was your injury?"

"how's the basketball team?"

"I trip while walking at the stairs."


"Safe!" Akari arrived he was in the classroom and cheering for himself.

He looks at the clock "Finally!" Akari starting catching his breath. "Ugh, made it in time, that's a close one" "phew."

He walked towards his chair both Maki and Ichiru saw him arrived five minutes before the class starts, and they make fun of Akari.

"you almost got late." Maki with an uncompromising tone.

"You must be dreaming an erotic scene," Ichiru said, and he raises his eyebrows with a smug look.

"Go away! that's what you say early in the morning?" Akari replied while Ichiru was rolling around the floor in hysterical.

"You got your homework Akari? HAHAHA," Maki asks.

"Yes, it's right here" Akari checking his bag, wondering if he left his homework at his house. "I'm so worried haha," Akari said with a gleeful tone.

"It's almost time gotta get back, Hey Akari see you at lunch break," Maki said.

"Uhm..." Akari was thinking about where's the best place to eat. "let's eat at the canteen." Akari replied

"Btw Akari, she's here" Maki holds Akari's shoulder and whispered.

"later." then Maki walk towards his seat.

"Goodmorning, Yuko." But Yuko was looking somewhere else. Akari didn't bother her.

"Class. please take your sits" the homeroom teacher came in.

"Listen, the school will have an upcoming festival for next month." The professor announced.

"it's so soon. I hope you enjoy this event"

Students were cheering and very happy about the event

"Yes, festival!"

"What should we do? How about a horror booth,"

"that's boring."

"I'm so excited."

"Maybe museum"

"Yes! that sound like so much fun haha,"


"ahem" "So I was saying, the date for the festival is next month, you should pick five students that will be representing for this class,"

"I will give you five seconds."

The students were struggling with who would be participating.

"Five members?"(one sec)

"What a pain"(two sec)

"Psst, Akari, you should Volunteer," The Student in front of Akari whispering to him.

"Yeah, if you volunteer, I will too." The student beside Akari started whispering also.

"Huh?" Akari was confused. "Wait, I can't" " I'm just new here."

"Come on," The student in front of Akari says.

"It's going to be great if you are one of the members, please."

Akari was wondering if he will raise his hand or not. While the other students are arguing and the professor Continuing his counting.

"Another pain on the ass"(three sec)

"Come on. only three seconds before the times up."

"I'm too busy" (four sec)

"ughhhh" (five sec)

All the students were in silence after the count while Akari is looking at Yuko he noticed that Yuko is writing something in her diary saying"Me" "I want t...".

"I want t...?" Akari was curious.

"Okay. enough" the professor stops looking at his watch. "I know that this gonna happen, luckily I already pick the five students that will represent this class," the professor said with a proud tone.

"Uhh, where is my list, ohh it is here" He picks up the marker and starts writing the names of the members on the board.

"First is Ms. Yuko Mizuki" Yuko was shocked by hearing her name.

"Next one is Mr. Akari Himari"

"Huh?" "Eh?" Akari was confused after seeing his name.

"Next, Ms.Yui Hatsumi." Yui was trembling while staring at her name.

"And next, Ms. Yuki Michiru" Yuki saw her name"huh" "you gotta be kidding me," Yuki said in a pissed tone.

"Last but not least, Mr. Koharu Nozumi."

"Huh?!" Koharu wiggles his body as soon as he saw his name written on the board.

The professor finishes witting, and he speaks."I'm expecting great things from you kids."

"But I have an injury!" Koharu's got mad. "can't you see!?"

"How am I supposed to do? huh," Koharu said in an irate tone.

"that is not an excuse," the professor replied. *sigh*" For all, you know I pick these members not randomly but has potential."

"This is b*llsh*t, shouldn't you be assigning this to the people without a life?" Koharu disagrees.

All the students are looking at Koharu.

Yui was so worried thinking about what will going to happen.

"I'm a teacher, so I don't pick people who can't handle the work" Then the professor explains himself.

"Professor, it doesn't make any sense," Koharu replied.

"Just do it..."And the professor tells him. "This is an "order" He tilts his head and gives a pesky smile.

"Old man." Koharu got irritated he kicks his desk and almost stood up, "you think you can order us around?!".

All of a sudden, Yuko stands up.

The students were surprised. Koharu and their prof got silent that moment.

She wants to talk and tried to stop the fight, but all the people in that room are looking at her. she is trembling, she feels like she wants to vomit. then yuko immediately runs her way outside.

*Random students talking*

"Poor girl"

"Prof, it's all your fault."

"Is she okay?"


"Someone? follow her"

The professor is calling her name, but she was already on the outside

Akari bravely followed Yuko outside. His classmates were confused and speechless about his actions.

"Where is she?" Akari is looking around the hallway.

"Where did she go?" Then he saw Yuko running, and it looks like she is going to the back of the school.

"There she is, Yuko! wait!"

Yuko heard his voice, then she runway even faster.

"Yuko! wait, don't run!" "Yuko!" He can't follow Yuko still he's trying his best to look for her. Hoping that he can talk to her and comfort her, And yet he cannot catch her, he lost sight of her.

"Where is she?" Both of his feet don't obey him anymore."I know this is the place," "I saw her running here."

*sigh* "Yuko! where are you?" Akari in a worn-out tone.

Yuko saw the door of the equipment room was open. she immediately hides in a dark place while covering her mouth.

While Akari is looking around and shouting Yuko's name, he ends up in front of the gym equipment room.

"Huh?" "I saw her running this way,"

"Maybe she's there" Akari sprinted towards the other side of the school. "I'll go check it" "Where are you!".

Yuko check's if he was still there, and when she noticed that the noise is gone, she opens up the door, looking left to right securing, that Akari is not around anymore. Yuko was trembling due to exhaustion. It did not bother her and went somewhere.


Akari went back to the classroom expecting that Yuko is there but unfortunately, she wasn't. As time goes, and she already skips three classes that day.

The third class ended it's time for their lunch break

Akari was wondering what is Yuko doing right now. He walks his way to the canteen then he heard Yuki is calling him.

"Akiko," "Akiku," "Oiii Mr. Prince," Yuki said in a mocking tone.

And Akari looked at her "Excuse me, my name is Akira and not Akiko."

"What do you want?" Akari said in a provoked tone.

"I live it all to you. I'm busy, so good luck," "you can handle the event"

"Mr. Popular," Yuki replied. Then she walks away.

"Huh?" Akari didn't even have a chance to talk.


When Akari arrived at the canteen, he told his friends about the rudeness of Yuki.

"What was she saying?" Akari was displeased. "Leaving all the work to me?" "I'm just new here at this school, and we are already having a festival."

"*sign* Oiii Maki help me please," Akari said in a feeble tone.

" Festival is fun... But being a class rep., what a waste of time, ohh I almost got it," Maki replied while playing video games *clicking keyboard*

"How about you, Ichiru give me a hand" Akari seemed so tired at the moment.

"I can't. I'm busy with my presentation next week, "Ichiru replied while he was focusing on his drawing.

"BTW, nice job Romeo" "the whole class was speechless about your actions" "Ohhh, Yuko wait for me *muah*" Ichiru laugh uncontrollably.

"Maybe this is your chance to find a new girl in your life," Ichiru said and continue with his work. *ticking pen*

Akari is looking at the window, wondering what should be the next step he will take.


The clock in Sakurai high stuck at one.

Akari and his friends are walking their way back to the classroom.

"Later, let's go to my house." When they are inside the room. Maki said to Akari. "I bought the latest game that you wanted to play,"

"Yeah, I'm glad too!" Akari grinned back at him and was so excited.

Akari notices that Yuko is back sleeping on her desk. He smiled, and a beam showed in his teeth. Akari sat down, He notices a piece of paper hanging on his desk drawer. He thought that it was a prank of Ichiru. He goes to the trash bin, he's going to throw the paper. On his second thought, he wants to read, What is written inside of it. He opens up the paper.

"Thank you and Sorry." - By Yuko Mizuki.

Akari was so nervous and can't say anything knowing that Yuko writes an apology letter for him, he wants to talk to Yuko but she was sleeping. He hides that piece of paper in his bag, and he was already contented.


The last subject has called off as the moon started to overtake the sun.

Akari was looking for Yuko thinking if they could talk to each other. As soon as the last subject is ended, she was already gone. Akari quickly walks towards the door, Suddenly his classmates asking him questions like media.

*Random students*

"Akari what a man hahahah"

"Romeo *muah*."

"Are you not scared of Mizuki?"

"Don't come near her Akari, We're worried about you."

"I'm so jealous."

They keep bothering him by asking questions. The tension between Akari and his classmate got even worse, and now it's crowded.

He's still looking for Yuko, and Akari didn't have a choice. He escapes from the crowd.

"*phew* I got away from them" Akari tried to look for Yuko but he can't see her anymore. When he got tired, he was looking at the ground.

"I lost her, damn it!" "Maybe she's on her way home right now *sigh*."

" Mr. Himari. here's my handkerchief you can use it. you are sweating," said Yui

"Oh thanks," "BTW. you are..." when he looks at Yui, she is smiling at him.

"I'm Yui Hatsumi, Nice to meet you. I'm one of the class reps."

"Nice to meet you too Yu..." Both Yui and Akari feel that the ground is shaking when they look at the back. The crowd is following him, and he got frightened by the overwhelming aura he immediately dashes.


"AND THANKS FOR THIS!" Akari waving Yui's towel as a sign of gratitude.

Then he covered his mouth, realizing he shouts too loud. However, the crowd is too messed up. Yui got bumped by the other students. It didn't bother her, she is just looking at Akari while being chased, and she smiled and started to laugh.