I love reading books, I like to learn new things. Pen and papers are my best friends. When I'm bored I solve math or science problems, Children of my age all do is come up with some stupid ideas and play all day long.

I feel different around them, When they invited me I just ignore them, being alone is much greater, It's addicting because it's so peaceful and you don't have to deal with annoying people.

And one day I realize that my youth is like a turtle, within my emotions I build myself a carapace that makes a perfect fit for me that there is absolutely no way in.

But I couldn't believe that there is a person that can open that solid carapace I build.

He's not that strong he's a coward, He's always crying when he got tissed. But when I'm in trouble he wouldn't hesitate to save me. And he's the first person I will be friends with.

That time we play so much and I forgot to study. The books and pen I was holding now I'm playing cards and videogames thanks to him my youth have a Pleasant memory.


Things went difficult my parents didn't like how my grades went down from all perfect scores and they became average. They force me to study a lot that there is no time for me to play, I'm just a kid back then I didn't know how to argue with them because I respect my parents. I just followed what they ask me to do I've become an honor student but I think that is not enough for them.

I never... ever... see them smile when I got awards, They do not seem happy they want more of it they want me to be the greatest I think my parents don't see me as their daughter they see me as a tool for their success.

It continues until high school everyone in our class, Tries to eliminate me but no one dares to Surpass me, that's how idiotic and simple-minded people are.

*clock alarming*

It's already morning? *yawn* *stretch her body*

Awww! my foot! Omg, it's swelling ouch! Jeez, I remember I slip my ankle the other day.


*inhales deeply*

"The breeze is so fresh I want to inhale it just for myself."

"Huh? what are you saying weirdo hurry up so we can start the plan for the event. And shut that windows the papers are flying around morron." Koharu was so irritated he didn't know what to do, Catch the paper first or lecture Akari.

"Ohhh sorry koharu hehe, I just want to enjoy the This feeling hahahahhaha. Btw have news why Yuki is not around today?" Akari said

"Not I'm worried about her she's not answering my calls and even my message. koharu replied

"realllyyyy.... *smirking face* *raising his eyebrows* not answering? Hmm, are you in a relationship with yuk..."

"Stupid go away! your face is too close! She's just my Childhood friend!" Koharu was embarrassed too, even his ears and face are getting red.

"Okay okay, chill I'm just joking hahhahahaga." Akari replied


two days have passed since they last saw yuko Yui tries to call her but Yuki didn't answer. Koharu and the others are so worried about her.

"Hey, Koharu you seemed too close to Yuki you are the only person who can talk to her. I'm worried about her studies so give this to her would you." Mr. Hikaru approaches Koharu and hands him written activities and lectures.

"Ohh wait Mr. Hikaru about last time i..."

"don't be bother Mr. Koharu I know that you didn't mean to say those words. Just pass this to ms. Yuki okay, I trusted you with that."

"Sure sir." Koharu happily accept his request

After school ended Koharu told Akari that he couldn't participate in today's meeting because he has very important things to do. Akari agreed and told the others about it, Koharu tries to remember her address and when he saw it he tries to use the doorbell.

*ring* *ring*

"*Sigh* Where is she? is she okay? maybe I would give this to her next time..."

"who's there? sister is that you? wait I'll open it up."

"w-w-why a-are you here?" "p--pervert!" Yuki is surprised because she was wearing pajamas and got embarrassed and didn't expect Koharu will visit.

"shhhhh stupid!" "I'm just here to give you this" Koharu don't know what to do so he covers Yuki's mouth and entered the door.

"seriously" "you are making a scene, I hope the neighbor... you wake up Yuki"

Yuki got collapse After 3 hours of sleep she wakes up and looking around wondering if it was a dream

"I thought Koharu was here maybe it is my imagination."

Yuki stands up from the bed she puts her sleepers walk her way to the kitchen, When she opens the door Yuki was shocked after she saw Koharu.

"w-what are you doing here!" Yuki ask

"You so loud it is irritating, here have some soup so your energy comes back. Let me see your foot, I'll fix the bandage after you eat I got some medicine here so the pain will be lessened. You are still a child Yuki *sigh* like the first time I save you from those bullies."

"Why are you here and why are you doing this?

I can carry myself *mumbling*"

"Stupid I can't leave an injured girl all alone, I already clean your room and wash your dishes, now take your seat, here take a bite before it gets cold."

"O-okay i-i can handle my self you don't have t..."

"You are so annoying just eat this." Koharu feeds Yuki

"hmmm it's delicious," Yuki said

"Idiot I don't need a compliment" Koharu got awkward and look away but he looks so happy about it.

'I hope you will be better tomorrow. oh I forgot to tell you get rid of that glasses you look so pretty without it."


"Okay I'm leaving, I'm just saying that..."


"After he fixes her bandages He leaves the house."

"That idiot he never changes he's still thinking like a child, I wonder if I look different if I stop wearing glasses."

*phones ring*

"Make sure to boil the soup before you eat it again okay and share it with your sister. Koharu texted Yuki"

"hmmm Koharu you... huh, tears? why am I crying? the right It's been so long since I received that kind of care" Yuki was in complete silence then she cried


"All this time my only goal in life is to make my parents proud and I didn't bother to take a risk to open that closed door that I've built.

But... but... I cannot believe that the first person who walks his way thru it is the same person who opens it again I'm so glad that I met you Koharu."


Students were astonished when they saw a woman walking in the hallway who looks like a princess that they've never seen before.


"Wow, who is that? A new student?"

"Her long and silky hair is so majestic"

"*inhales* I think I'm in love with her, Her smell"

"oi stop that you are creeping me out"

"She's so Beautiful~~~"

"Why are they staring at me? did my face look awful, I shouldn't listen to that moron" Yuki is awkwardly walking her way to her room

"Wow Yuki I didn't recognize you, are you wearing contacts?" Yui asks

"Yes because it's a hustle to wear glasses"

"You look so pretty Yuki" *yuko write it onto her diary*

"Thanks, yuko and Yui both of you..."

"Well, what's going on here I bet Koharu is more attracted to Yuki now huh.." "Bet you want to marry her no..." Akari is making fun of Koharu because he was speechless when he saw Yuki

"Come here idiot I will kill you" Koharu tries to beat Akari but his already running around the classroom

"sorryyyyy koharu...." Akari said

"Those idiots", "Hey don't make a scene!" Yuki's disappointed tone

"You little bastard I will kill for sure!" *sigh* *sigh* Koharu was exhausted

"Are you done yet?" Yuki ask

"You look so hmmm..." Koharu is Scratching his head and he can't even stand likes a normal person.

"look so what?" Yuki replied

"Cute" " I guess" Koharu looks away because he's so shy talking to Yuki.

"Thanks" Yuki gives him a lovely smile that enough to make Koharu too pass out.