A Living Nightmare

Although the feeling was gone, the fear was still lingering around him. Genesiz was lost in confusion, thinking if what happened to him was a dream or not. He sat up in the middle of the bed between the two beautiful women with his entire body soaked in sweat, slowly streaming down his muscle-built body as he had just come out of the worst nightmare that he had in years.

"Of all things I can remember why can't I remember doing it with you two," he said to himself in disappointment.

" Was I that wasted ? "

He used both of his hands to wipe the sweat away from his face, he dared not use the covers because they were already soaked in sweat and love juice. Genesiz took a deep breath and looked around the room that he was in. The room was getting brighter, so he knew that the sun was soon to come out.

" Oh? It seems that I'm still at the Swan" said Genesiz to himself.

" This sweet morning aroma never gets old." The room smelt like hot, heated sex.

He looked to the far left side of the bed to see what time it was on the little clock on the small table and it was just 5:00 a.m. He then got off the bed in the most stealthily way, neither waking any of the women.

The moment he got off the bed he was hit in the face with an intense hangover, he stumbled a little almost falling over and got back his balance.

"Damn! just how many did I drink last night?"

"Shit! I can't even feel my hips, I feel like I was sucked dry by five succubi"

He began picking up his black-suited close of the ground, black pants, white shirt, black-suited jacket, and two leather shoes all leading to the door in that order. Before he left, while putting on his shirt he turned towards the bed where the beautiful ladies were lying asleep.

" I thank you both for your hospitality, I won't ever forget it .."

"Ahem !.. well I did forget it but I won't forget the next one"

"Until we meet again my sweets!"

Then Genesiz made his way through the door with his jacket in his right hand, passing several rooms along the way to the elevator. While going down he realized that he was on the 5th floor and there was a male bathhouse on the third.  He stopped on the third floor to take a quick bath before leaving the brothel. the bathhouse wasn't all that big, the one on the eighth floor was massive and had a lot of room and luxurious things but the 3rd floor was ordinary.

"Ahhh! that felt good, it feels like all the strength is returning to my mind and body"

"Now I'm one with the heavens and earth," said Genesiz while dipping his body in the small, hot pool of spring water

Genesiz was the only person that was there at the moment and as he continued to relax the steam from the water and his body began to mix and create a thick fog in the small bathhouse. He sat there with his eyes closed not noticing anything around him.

"He seems to be enjoying himself quite nicely," said the mysterious person lurking in the foggy steam behind him.

"Hehe, I shall lend him a hand," said the mysterious woman while licking her red lips in a lustful way

Genesiz still had his eyes closed not realizing the mysterious person who was behind him.

Out of nowhere, Genesiz felt someone put their hands over his eyes covering them, something like a long-lost friend would do. Startled by that he got up, still facing away from the mysterious woman. He knew it was a woman because the hands were very soft and smooth.

"Wha!.. Who are!.." he said in a panicky way

"Don't be afraid, I'm just a wash girl I was sent here to serve you, uncle"

"Do  you wish for me to wash your back for you?"

"I'm quite good at it" whispered the mysterious woman in Genesiz ear.

Genesiz thought her voice sounded familiar but something was also different about it. He thought it sounded strangely familiar to the woman that was in his dream but he got rid of the ridiculous thought.

"Can you make some room for me huma...Ahem, I mean uncle?"

"Well, come on in "  Genesiz replied having no suspicion whatsoever.

She made her way in the water with her hands still covering the face of Genesiz. Genesiz could feel her big soft bosoms pressed against his broad muscular back.

"Warm hot spring water plus big boobs massaging my back, now this heavenly!"

"Hahaha! the heavens, Earth, and the universe have finally come together"

" Now, this is life!!" said Genesiz aloud

Genesiz could not control his lust any further and wanted to turn around to see this mysterious beauty that had stirred up his lust.

"Let me see who this beauty is"

Genesiz dragged her hands from his eyes very roughly and turned around. She wasn't expecting him to be that strong to have pulled her hands away like that.

"Ih..Ih... It's you! how is this possible??!"

"How are you even here?!" 

She grinned at him evilly as he backed away with caution out of fear.

" Did you seriously thought all of that was a mere dream human?"

" If it weren't for the fact that I was bound by a contract with you, I would have killed you back then"

The mysterious person was no other than the beautiful yet deadly Lustifer.