Do Me A Favor

An hour went by and they were still talking and laughing. Genesiz came to find out that Shinzaki had been searching for his whereabouts through the past few years but had only found him because of a loan he borrowed from the Yakuza.

"Damn Gen! what the heck were you thinking by borrowing 3 mil from the Yakuza?" asked Shinzaki

"If it were someone else they'd be dead in the most painful of ways and their organs sold off," he said.

"Haha, well I was gonna pay them back you know..." Genesiz responded with an awkward look on his face.

"Ha! Like I'd believe you about money, but anyway since it's you, you don't need to worry about paying us back..."

When Genesiz heard him say that his shoulders became lighter. But that was to be expected because they were friends after all and their bond was as strong as it was fifteen years ago.

"But you'll have to do me a favor," said Shinzaki with a cunning smile on his face.

" I knew it! there just had to be a catch, nothing is never free when comes to you, you bald bastard! and I was hoping you had changed too"

At that same time, Shin received a call from one of his subordinates. After talking for some minutes, he hung up the phone then said, "Let's get out of this dump, I'll explain what I want you to do for me in the car, we are going to a banquet tonight at 8 at the Palace Lavilla Hotel but first we need to get you some good clothes," said Shin excitingly. While they were driving out of the warehouse Lustifer suddenly appeared as if she was there the entire time watching them.

"I really want to see how long you can last until you begin to lust again. Haha! I will enjoy watching the lust you love so much devour you making you feel unimaginable pain," said Lustifer evilly as she stood there in the darkness watching Genesiz drive away"

They had finally left the abandoned warehouse and were on their way to a clothing store. They weren't that far away from the city. Genesiz and Shin were in the backseat talking while Yazura was driving.

"Anyway, what favor do you need from me, Shin?" Genesiz asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I was wondering if you can protect someone for me" he replied.

"Protect as in.. bodyguard?" Genesiz asked uncertainly.

"Yes, what else would I mean? it won't be free of course" Shin replied.

"I want you to protect a woman for me, her name is Nina Shimizu. She's the biggest shareholder in the Alibaba Shopping Company, one of the biggest and famous shopping companies in the world. Her life is being threatened by people in the company because the chairman will be retiring soon and his two sons are waging war against each other to succeed him but they have to get her vote for either to get the company and become the new chairman."

"Hmmm, this seems like a lot of trouble to me Shin. If I agree to this just how long am I going to protect her for... how long will this job last for exactly?" Genesiz asked.

"You just need to protect her until the new chairman is chosen, and that'll take about 8 months or more. I know it's dangerous but you are the only person I trust to do this. I wouldn't mention this to you if I know you couldn't handle it." Shin replied with a convincing look on his face.

Genesiz sat there for a while thinking about what decision he should make. After sitting there thinking for a couple of minutes he finally made his decision.

"Ok! fine I'll do it... is there anything more that I should know about this Nina character?" Genesiz asked.

"Haha, Great! her files are right here," responded Shinzaki excitingly.

Genesiz began looking for the files. The first thing he saw was a picture of her face at the top, she looked fairly beautiful and was a brunette. He saw that she was thirty-one years old and was a widow, her husband died in a car accident five years ago. Her husband was an ordinary man with no status. Genesiz also saw that she owns a company called Divina Beauty Cosmetics. The company earns billions a year and is very famous worldwide. He then closed the portfolio after finish reading the files.

Time past and they had reached the city and bought a very expensive suit for Genesiz to wear at the banquet. Shinzaki gave Genesiz a ride home and left him in front of his apartment building where he lives with his suited clothes in his hand.

"I'll send a car over to pick you up at seven, I'll call to let them put your name on the VIP guest list so don't worry," Shin said as he was about to drive off.

"Ok I got it, well see you tonight then" responded Genesiz lazily.

"Yeah, and also you might get a chance to see your client tonight so stay peeled and don't be late!" He shouted as he drove off in the car.

"Well I guess things won't be so boring from now on, Nina Shimizu I cant wait to meet you," said Genesiz to himself as he walked back merrily to his apartment.