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Read it

Orin was stumped at the request of the team head. He was slightly embarrassed opening the Book of Detection. The changes were happening along with their advancement. The previously silver page turned deep maroon. There was something written on it. This was single page book showing occasional clues at the will of developers.

(Junan casted casual glance at the young player. When he was selected as the team head and informed, Junan never thought that half of the members would be willing to bet everything. He was amazed by the hard work.

If taking it level battle then it was fine to lose once or twice but it seemed life battle. Jake was most strange. His arm was broken and he was unexpectedly chosen in the team of experienced players. It make few questions stand up their heads in his brain.

He wanted to know why Jake was most informed. Did someone told him about the level secrets and the others were kept in dark? Junan was thinking all this in his head.)

"The slaves are loyals. The boss is dangerous. Do not miss the precious stone in hurry." Orin recited the written text. There were three different clue but the first two looked useless. The team already know that slaves were loyals toward the boss of district.

As for the boss was concerned all bosses were stronger than the normal npc's. If there was something important then it could be the last line. What was the precious stone and why they should not miss it? "Though I am not good at predicting after observation however I think the stone has similar importance like shingles." Albert concluded.

Orin was about to close the book when the text changed along with color. "The shingles are life saver." This was the second time that they were warned. "What does this means again?" Sashi lifted up her brows. They had been picking shingles and it seemed the time was near when they needed these shingles.

"It also means that the next boss has some connections with the shingles. We might need all three of them in the face off. Or the Cobra Lord fear them? Okay this last one is not related with it." Junan shrugged his shoulders.

The book of Detection was quite helpful and their added suggestions cleared the doubts. It was best way to elaborate the matter at hand and subject in question. They were able to find direction after discussing. They looked the scenery. The realistic design made them wonder whether the designer has great taste for nature.

Albert handed shingle to the team head. "We should spread in all directions to search the right place where boss is hiding. Immediately inform other if anyone find clue." Junan thought that staying and keep talking would not give them the address of the boss.

He gestured Jake to follow behind Ahram. This time he did not pair with young player. Junan was slightly curious about the identity of the boy.

He ordered them to find the whereabouts of the boss so that they could process. They scattered in the various directions. All sides were similar without any difference. The six eyed slave shook the huge head. It resembled with polar bear, other than slight dark skin color.

The slave stood on two feet. The cave was covered with the greenish creepers. Two creatures were guarding the entrance. The slave was enough to hide them behind with it's huge stature. There were few seeds in one hand while in the other the slave was holding torch.

It was not bright day however torch was not needed to look in the surrounding. The second heart was under danger. The players were desperately searching.

Jake did not ask from system because he already knew the answer. 'No more clue for today' also he was sure that the present place was the actual point where the second last boss was hiding.

He has notion that he was near the Second Heart. The system demanded him to destroy all three hearts of the Python to kill the creature. It would also help in clearing the district. With the district cleared, they would be able to cross the level.

The eyeless serpents were killed so the poison from the air completely vanished.

They should not worry for the poisonous air however the Cobra Lord was threat. Fortunately they grabbed hold on the three shingles.

Jake noticed silence of the team head toward him. He was in dilemma whether Junan was angry at him or thinking something else. The team and the team head all of them were working perfectly.

Their collaboration was ideal. With this type of team one could expect best results from each level. The current silence of the team head was troublesome.

"Why are you worried?" Ahram asked young boy. "It is nothing. Can you tell why you joined this game portal? Is there strong reason or just for fun?" Jake asked the question instead. He wanted to know about the team members. It would help him understand their concerns for the level.

In case they were only testing game portal with their skills then it could create problems. With the clear ambition one could aspire for higher level however if they were taking it as fun ride then the next levels would be vague or impossible to attain.

"I have strong reason to join game portal. When I submitted for the selection, I promised myself that no matter what I would not take it granted. I should get back what I lost." Ahram spoke determined.

Jake heard and felt at ease. At least this player was playing with ambition. It was favorable. "Why did you join despite that your arm is not working?" Ahram asked most pressing question that all the players wanted to ask him.

"It is fate that gave me this chance to proof something important. Every level is life saver for me. I cannot relate or explain my sufferings." Jake answered in broken voice.