Dare to die

Dare to die

They were ready to put all energy in the attacks to separate the arms of the creature. This was the only method to kill the creature. Defeating was not option.

This creature would keep battling. The injured arms could still be considered alive creature.

This was uniqueness of the Hebidull creatures.

The team members should necessarily cut both arms.

The bald creature was looking at the hand that faced the attack of the sword. It spread both arms to capture all humans. They were reluctant to leave and battling like idiots.

Most of the human groups entered in the Oak park, they returned or get killed. They were stronger than this new group of humans however this one was not ready to die.

Jake fired bullets. Clark, and others were under the range of the creature. It was dangerous. No matter how well they could use their moves for the attack but the way the creature was trying to capture could bring trouble for them.