Embrace End

Embrace End

Third task

Getting the third card

They killed Kari. Junan stepped ahead and gestured others to stay near. In the meanwhile first team was able to reach this island because the boat inquisitively did not break in the middle of the lake.

They were able to reach but have no courage to enter in the battle against other sages and the boss.

Team members of the third gathered and the team head picked the card. As soon as he picked the card the quest got completed and they were transported.

Well they wanted to delay. After they stepped at the third quest ground they regretted. They wished that they should have taken some rest before picking the card.

The moonlit night along with the stormy winds created horrible scenario but it was just small opening of the horror ahead.

The quest place was rightly named 'Embrace End'

Third team was going to embrace their end.