White Altar

White Altar

Fourth Quest

Third team and the two team members from the first team were transferred in the fourth quest.

White Altar was chosen to hide the fourth card. This altar was full of wooden structures. They could see some freshly designed wooden cottages, not polished or abandoned in the middle of the construction.

Team head looked at his left. There was some open cafe with the tables and chairs similarly unpolished and freshly shaved. One could tell that the small town was under construction.

Junan walked toward the tables of the cafe. There were one or two cups randomly placed on the tables. The near shop showed the sign of working hours with the slate, 'Open'

Junan looked the tea cup, it was half filled with the tea. "Is it possible that the town suddenly faced something and the human population escaped or they hid for the time being." Till the time he asked Orin was ready to let the book of detection read itself.