Refuge house 5

Refuge house 5

"We saw them secretly searching something." Clark whispered. Junan told that there were more than three enemies in this refuge house. This alerted team members.

"What could possibly they be searching?" Junan asked but there was no answer instead few wolves entered in the refuge house sniffing the culprit whereabouts.

They sniffed and reached where Jake was sitting. Junan and others walked behind because it was something strange.

The wolf tried to grab the kid but team head and others umped in between. They were not sure why wolves came looking for the kid but they did not want to let them harm younger player.

The wolf groaned at them. They were not expecting that the matter would get complicated. They could not leave empty handed. Clark perhaps understood something and asked. "In which refuge house you were assigned?" he asked Jake in hurry.

Jake told that he was in the ninth refuge house.